Chapter 3

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With the children busy attending their lectures, Principal Weems decided that now would be a good time to walk her grounds, she was determined to find out what that light was the night before, even if she had to come out every night to inspect the place. Walking into the woods the woman wished she'd had the sense to change her shoes, heels weren't exactly the best walking shoe, especially through a forest with dips and branches and uneven ground.
The woman huffs coming to a stop, hands on her hips she glances around to see nothing but trees. A gurgling croak caused the woman to jump and turn in the direction of the sound, she released her breath when she saw a crow perched on the branch. It's just a bird, she said mentally. The woman smiled sighing as her hand fell from her chest.

"You gave me quite the scare then." She said to the Raven, then crossed her arms.
"They say a Raven means Loss and ill omen, I do hope you've not come to grace me with that along with everything else on my plate."
The Raven flew down from its perch and landed in front of the woman.
It gurgled, before tilting its head to the side.
"I sure hope it's not true. You seem friendly enough." The woman carefully kneeled down and outstretched her hand slightly. The Raven gurgled as it hoped closer. The woman smiled and was about to pet the bird when her name being shouted startled thus resulting in the Raven taking off.
"Principal Weems!" She knew that voice anywhere. It was Enid Sinclair. The woman quickly stood up and composed herself, brushing the invisible creases in her skirt before turning towards the young girl who ran in her direction.
"Miss Sinclair, whatever is the matter?" She smiles as the young girl came to a stop before her. The wolfs and sirens are arguing again, and they won't listen to Miss Thornhill." The girl pants.
"I see, come along then let's put an end to this." She headed back towards the old castle, a skipping Enid in tow, both unaware of the Raven flying above them.


Larissa Weems decided she'd continue her walk later in the evening when all her children were tucked up in bed, well she liked to believe they were all tucked up in bed. Though no doubt they were upto no good as usual, but at least they never left through the gates during the night. In or around the main school gates she could tolerate but when they went into the extended wooded area that's where she'd draw the line, especially now with whatever it she saw and the so called 'bear' attacks that keep happening. No as long as they stayed within the main gates of the school they'd be fine, they are children, well teenagers after all and they find thrill in thinking they're breaking the rules without anyone knowing. Of course she does know, there are wards set up on the main gates along with security cameras just to be on the safe side. And her children weren't all that bad, they normally ask for her permission before exploring the forest.

The woman reached for her coat, and a smaller pair of heeled shoes before quietly making her leave, and heading out of the school and it's surrounding grounds, through the gates and into the forest. She avoided the road that lead to the main gates and wandered further into the forest. She'd brought a torch just in case it got too dark and she was unable to see. She'd wandered deeper into the woods until the moonlight was completely cut off, and she was surrounded by darkness. The woman reached for her torch in her coat pocket, and pulled it out quickly switching it. She swallowed, not entirely sure she preferred it in complete darkness because now with the angle of the light made everything look 20 times scarier.
The trees looked menacing as they stand towering over the woman, had she not known better the trees looked as though they were never ending. The wind blowing through the trees made a terrible whooshing sound mixed with the odd whistle here and there. Larissa Weems didn't consider herself to be easily scared, but she certainly was now. What possessed her to wander the forest at this hour of the night she'll never know, but she'd started now. There was no turning back.

The woman took a deep breath before continuing her walk through the forest, she'd started out in the direction of where she saw the light. The plan was to cover that area then make her way around, she knew she wouldn't be able to cover all of it in one night, but she'd certainly cover as much as she could, then continue her search tomorrow night. She had brought a motion censer with her to place at the scene of the light, or as near enough as she could. After all she was judging the surroundings from the view of her window, it's not going to be all that accurate, but it won't be far off, she knows her grounds like the back of her hand.

She continued her walk, the howling of the wind impairing her hearing slightly, though she could still hear the snapping of the twig behind her, and with her heart in her mouth she spun around to face the intruder. She shone the light in the direction of the snapping twig.
"I should warn you that these grounds are private property." She mustered enough courage to speak. Flicking her torch around, hoping to spot the culprit.
A gurgling sound caused her to aim the light in the direction, she exhaled at the view of the bird.
"Oh it's you." A smile graced her lips at the thought of how silly she was being. A grown woman being frightened like that is ridiculous.
"You know I'm starting to think you're following me." The woman said to the bird, that croaked in response.
"That could essentially be a good thing I hope, I don't fancy anymore bad luck." She said more to herself than the bird.
The bird made a low gurgling sound before gliding to the floor. It tilted its head to the side.

The sound of footsteps getting nearer broke Larissa's trance like contact with the bird, which resulted in a high shrill noise erupted from the bird, the woman dropped her torch and quickly covered her ears as she felt the vibrations of something hitting the ground before her. She gathered her torch before scrambling backwards with the light pointing at the figure in the floor. The Raven gurgled as it came to land on the writhing figure, glancing up at the woman. Larissa couldn't believe her eyes, it was the sheriff. She quickly darted towards the man, the bird hopped off of him and stood on the floor beside the Principal.

"Oh Sheriff, are you alright?" She helped him into a sitting position, as he still clutched his ears.
"What the hell was that, my ears!" He shouted, not being able to tell the difference as his ears continued to ring. She glanced at the Raven beside her.

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