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December was a dreadful time.

It was that time of the year again. Fairy lights decorate storefronts, jolly carols croon through the speakers of the mall and somehow Santa stands at every corner. To top it all off, motivated and joyful faces greet you wherever you go.

Jordyn didn't understand the hype around the holiday. For her, it was all a ruse of love. An obligatory fest to spend with people you love and/or hate.

Granted, she likely inherited the dislike for the holiday from her mother. Eliana's strong opinion on Christmas had led her to ban Christmas with all its facets from her home.

But as much as she didn't care about Christmas, there was one thing in December she hated above all else.

The annual Winter Dance.

For whatever reason, students made a huge deal about it. What are you gonna wear? Who'll gonna ask me out? Will Tom make a move? What do I have to do to be noticed by my crush? Gossip could be found everywhere. Jordyn could not stand it. Just ask out the person you wanna go with and problem's solved.

Descending the stairs, Joe spotted two of her friends right at the bottom. "Adam, Chase!"

The boys cut their conversation short and turned to Joe."There you are. We were waiting for you. How was math?"

"Easy. Got last week's test back. A minus." Adam high-fived her and she grinned. Then, she turned to Chase. "Hey, what's up with your Latin class? Thought you started early today?"

"Ohh, just some renovation stuff Miss Brenner's making. We're temporarily using the tech labs."

Adam faked a snore, stepping between the two and leading them to the water fountain. "Boring! Let's go fill up your water and get to the interesting stuff."

Joe smiled at Adam's recollection of her routine and headed for the fountain. Meanwhile, Adam launched into a lengthy description of a video game he had heard about and wanted to play with the two of them.

In the corner of her eyes, Joe saw Bree and finished up her refill to greet her, "Hey, Bree."

"Hey, guys. You will never believe what just happened. Jake Chambers asked me to the dance."

Although Jordyn couldn't care less about the dance, the news caused her to grip Bree's hands and squeal with her. After all, she did care about her friend's dating life.

Chase interrupted their excitement. "Jake Chambers! The Jake Chambers?" Joe calmed down and realization dawned on her. She had no idea who Bree was talking about.


"Who is he?"
"Who's Jake Chambers?"

Joe and Chase snorted and fist-bumped. 

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