Chapter 9: home remedy

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Jimin loves parties. Not even just parties, he loves planning social events in general.

If he didn't pursue medicine, one of the most demanding careers in this world, he would have loved to go into event planning. Both he and Taehyung loved throwing parties and the eccentric best friend duo was well known for throwing the ultimate social events. Unfortunately for the two friends, life got busier, jobs got more demanding, and over time, their aging bodies inevitably found themselves often choosing sleep over partying despite their love of socializing.

As much as Jimin loved getting dressed up and going to the bars or dancing late into the night, the cardiologist now found himself finding a night on the couch with some chicken and beer, binge watching a show just as appealing. Preferably with good company. Preferably good company by the name of Dr. Jeon Jungkook.

But he was on a mission right now. To plan the best double date, no, the best reunion ever. The reunion of two of his friends. He had rented out an entire restaurant, Abracadabra, one of Taehyung's favorites. It was trendy spot for a rather small establishment in terms of square feet but it felt very cozy and vibrant. The restaurant is shaped like an L and doesn't have too many or too little tables. The bar is located on the left side, hidden from the view at the entrance. It's the perfect place to rent out.

Jimin is now meeting with the owner and chef, Sangwon going over the details. Most would say this is a bit overkill for a double date but this is how Jimin and Taehyung usually did things. And really, this wasn't just a double date; Jimin wanted to do a grand gesture to hopefully brighten Taehyung's mood (assuming his plan goes smoothly). If there was anyone he loved most in this world after his family, it was his best friend Tae. Taehyung is like family to him. He's been in such a slump ever since the 'break up' with Seokjin that Jimin just wants to cheer the pediatrician up and make him smile. Big gestures shouldn't be just for romantic reasons—he and Taehyung loved spoiling each other.

Go big or go home.

He could afford to rent out a whole restaurant for an evening and life was short. So why not?

"That's great," Jimin nods as the Sangwon explains and gesticulates how they'll set up the restaurant. They both go back and forth, pointing at things, and Jimin giving him his every little requests and the chef taking notes. "That's perfect. And if we could have a bartender too with the full bar open of course, I'd appreciate it. Don't worry about the expenses. I'll fully compensate of course. I just want a peaceful, perfect evening!"

"Of course! That will be no problem. You and Dr. Kim are one of our favorite and most loyal customers!" Sangwon says. "So I know you said this is a 'just cause' event but now I'm itching with curiosity Dr. Park. Is that really it?! Really just a party for four?!"

"Oh Sangwon, Jimin. You're so silly, always calling me doctor still! Just call me Jimin!" Jimin laughs as he playfully hits the man. "And yes! It's a party for four! Party for 100 or party for four, a party's a party! I just want a nice, pleasant, quiet evening out with people I love and care about. Without the loud distraction of other restaurant patrons, that's all!"

"You are always Dr. Park and Dr. Kim to me!" Sangwon laughs. Jimin chuckles and shakes his head and the two men make their way to the kitchen as they continue talking and going over the plans. They go over the menu and Jimin chooses a few items off the menu in advance so that it'll be perfectly ready that night for the chef to prepare. He pays for the entire thing before he leaves.

"Thanks love. You're the best!" The surgeon compliments as they bid farewell.

"We look forward to seeing you soon!" Sangwoon waves at the doctor.

Jimin is so satisfied with himself with all the planning that he's all proud smiles on his drive home.

Seokjin had told him that he had listened to Jimin's advice and indeed reached out to Taehyung, only to be fully rejected. "He didn't even want to talk on the phone," Seokjin had said grimly over the phone to Jimin the other day. "And he certainly would not agree to meet up with me. Saying he had nothing more to say to me and he's sick of getting sucked into the same cycle. And then he hung up on me before I could get another word in. He really hung up on me, Jimin. I don't blame him though. It's what I deserve. It's really over for us."

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