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I brushed my straight hair, it left the bottom of my hair a bit wavy. i walked down my stairs and grabbed by hat. "Before you go.." i heard my mum call out, i gulped. "yes mother?" i called back. "Remember me or your father arent picking you up after your 'b' in maths." she said, i could here the evilness in her voice like ms trunchball.  "yes mother, bye now!" i said putting my hat on and rushing out the door. i walked down the street to school, humming a song. i soon made it to school, i walked threw the gate and stared at the statue that was speposofly of ms trunchball. i walked behind it and heard a whistle. i turned around and saw Hortensia, i smiled and my face heated up, i walked towards her. "h-hi Hortensia!" i spoke sitting down next to her, she looked at me a smiled back. "Hello Julie!" she spoke. gosh her voice. "bingo!" she said. she pointed at the two new kids. she got up. "Ay! new kids!" she yelled as they turned her way. "so you think your Able to survive this mess by Being a prince or princess you will soon Cee theres no escaping trageDy and Even if you put in heaps of eFFort your just wasting enerGy cause your life as you know is acient History." she sung as the gates closed. "I have suffered in this jail have been trapped inside this Kage for ages this living L but if i try i cant reMember back before my life had Nded back before my happy days were Over before i first heard the Pealing of the bell, like you i was curios so innocent i asked a thousand Question but unless you want to suffer listen up a thing or two you listen hear my deaR youll be punished so Severely if you step out of line and if you cry it will be double you should stay out of Trouble and U remamber to be Xtremely careful!" they sung out. "but whY?" one of the girls said as they went into the building. me and Hortensia were left. we would usually sit down on the bench behind the statue we sat down. "Weres my homework for chemistery?" she said. i grabbed it out my bag. "Here!" i said giving to her. "my math?" she asked, oh crap!! i forgot to do that!! "i f-forgot to-to do that one!" i gulped. "dont sweat it, miss norris can wait!" she reosured me as i laughed. the announcements went of. "JULLIANNE CLARKE PLEASE COME TO MY OFFICE." i cringed, i hate hearing my fullname. i sighed, "ill see you around" i said getting up. "alright" she said sounding rather upset, i brushed it off. i grabbed my bag and walked into the building. i walked up the stairs, i could here faint singing form a mile away. i walked to the enterance, i look up at the sign. "no maggots allowed!" i read out nervously. i let out a breathe and went uo the stairs, it brought me up to a door which i knocked on. "You may come it!" she shouted, i felt my heart beating and my brain tellign me 'no dont do it'  i opened the door. "you needed me ms trunchball?" i took my hat off and held it with my finger tips to show respect. "ah yes, i wanted t-" she was going to say but got interupted by a knock at the door. "hold that thought" she said. "you may come in" she yelled making me jump. along came in miss honey. "hello julie" she smiled her sweet smile. i let out a nervous "hi" before walking over to th eside of the wall. "now what did you need?" trunchball asked. "i came to talk about a student, matilda wormwood, im pretty sure shes a genius" miss honey spoke i could tell by her tone she was nervous like i was. "and how is that!" ms trunchball asked. "she finished of math on the board that i would have to calculate to figure out!" she answered. "No child in my school is a genius, look at julianne, she isnt a genius by a long shot!" she yelled pointing at me, i bit my lip and held back my tears. "no ma'am i-" "look at my trophies see how my trophies gleam in the sunlight she how they shine what do you think it took to become 'English hammer throwing champion 1959' do you like in that moment when my big moment came that i treated the rules with causual disdain well like hell as i stepped up to the circle did i change my plan hm what as i chalked my palms did i wave my hands i did not as i started my spin did i look at the view did i drift off and dream for a minute or two did you think i faltered or amended my rotation do you think i altered my intened elevation as the hammer took off did i change my grunt from the grunt i had practiced for many a month not a jot not a dot that i stray from the plot not a detail of my throw was adjusted for forgotton not even when the hammer left my hands and sailed high up up above the stands did i let my self go no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no" she sung as she grabbed the microphone. all of the kids jolted up with manner. "if you want to throw the hammer for your country you have to stay inside the circle all the time if you want to make the team you dont need happiness or self-esteem, you just need to keep your feet inside the line, sing children two three four.." she said handing the microphone to me. "if you want to throw the hammer for your country you have to stay inside the circle all the time and if you want to teach success you dont use sympathy tenderness, tenderness you have to force the little squits to toe the line" i sung. "you too jenny!" ms trunchball yelled. "if you want to throw the hammer for your country bambiatum est maggitum you have to stay inside the circle all the time maggitum, maggitum circulim est deus, deus gloria." we both sung, we stopped singing as ms trunchball blew her whistle, i let out a big thing of air. "i apply just one simple rule, to hammer-throwing life and school life is a ball so learn to throw it find the bally line and toe it and always keep your feet inside the line, now get out!" she sung as miss honey quickly said to me "hortensia said to meet her at reccess" before running out. "Jullianne where were we? oh yes i have not one but two things now for you!" i gulped, "Ye-yes ms trunchball" i stuttered. "i want you to find out more about this 'matilda' girl, an di would like for you to avoid Hortensia at all cost, you are a wonderful gir and student and she is a trouble maker, and you know how i feel about trouble makers." she said. "they cause trouble" i finished. "yes, now run along wont you" she said before i ran out her class. 

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