Ch.8 Preparations, but on the other side (Vol.5)

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POV Ryuuen Kakeru


Sakagami: That's all I wanted to tell you. Don't forget your changes in class, so you don't forget your uniform.

Finally, this old man Sakagami finished his boring speech. Like a scripted robot, he told us the same things from the newspaper. I didn't learn any new useful information, but that's okay. It would be disappointing if the school only gave us basic information.

This event could give us a lot of opportunities to not only beat the opposing class of our year, but also damage the upperclassmen. But I wasn't interested in them at all. My target was as clear as a sunny day - Class D.

I was surprised when I heard the results of the Deserted Island exam. Somehow the class full of mistakes managed not only to counter my attack, but also to come out on top by a large margin. But I came to a very simple conclusion - someone who had seen through my plan was behind their victory, and on top of that, he was hiding cowardly in the shadows.

I was sure that Suzune wasn't the person behind their victory because she wasn't the type of person who could think of such a strategy. I confirmed this from Ibuki's reports and a little mind games on a cruise ship during the Zodiac Exam. Suzune certainly has a great intelligence, but she has a straightforward way of thinking and would use a normal course of action. The Mastermind's strategy used in this exam requires someone who can think outside the box, find various loopholes in the rules, and find a way to exploit them effectively.

I laughed like a madman when I finally found out that there was a person who could think like me, who wasn't afraid to use underhanded tactics or sacrifice his subordinates. So I decided to prepare for a war with Class D at the beginning of the Zodiac Exam. The reason for this was that Katsuragi and Ichinose could be easily outplayed, which had been proven during the previous exam. Fairytale Class could also take a lot of damage during the previous exam if not for... Kukuku, well, that's a story for another time.

So I concentrated on taking out the mastermind of Class D. I don't mind sacrificing the Sports Festival if I'm honest. It wasn't a big deal, because my plan was just to test what the shadow leader would do in a critical situation that I had prepared. So using a traitor in their class that I gained at the last event will be a great opportunity for that.

Sakagami: If there are no questions, the class is dismissed.

Our class teacher apologised and left the classroom. I was getting impatient. His departure meant that I was free to use force to keep these idiots under my control. They already had a fear of being on my bad side, which I had implanted in them during the first two months. But that didn't mean they would be loyal to me forever. I had to keep reminding them of their position, otherwise they might get too full of themselves. This also applied to the methods I used. Fear isn't something you can use easily. People tend to lose fear in someone if they don't do anything, or if they just keep the level of danger low for them.

In short, I had to regularly feed the fear in them in the cruelest way possible. And the easiest way for me to do that is through violence. Of course, it wasn't the only thing that helped me take control of my class. There's Albert, for example - he was much stronger than me, and I lost to him in fight many times. But there was one important thing that helped to win eventually. Everyone has their limits. So I just continued to attack him physically and mentally at the most annoying times. As result, he was tamed and now works under me. The same goes for Ishizaki and Ibuki, who just can't admit it, although she still does everything I tell her to.

Ryuuen: Albert, Ishizaki, Ibuki, you know what to do.

Albert: YES BOSS.

Ishizaki: Hai, Ryuuen-san!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16 ⏰

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