chapter one

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Why can't you ever use anything that's yours! Why do you always have to use my things! There are two perfectly good towels for you to use that aren't mine! Why do you have yo use mine! As i throw both the other towels at my younger sister to make my point. Lets go back before this and i will tell you about this mass of blahh called my life. My name is Sara and i am in the forth and last quater of my seventh grade year. My parents are divorced i have a sister almost one year yonger than me named Rachel and i have about five good friends. I know what you're thinking five best friends wow that's impressive i only have like one or two. Well if only that was how it was. So lets start with the first group of my friends. The first three peoples how are Serenity, Darby and Bella. I would say that Serenity was my very best friend but that would only have been correct about a week ago.

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