The Unexpected

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"Hey kiddo, time to get up," AI Stark announced

It was morning already as the bright sun blazed into Riri's open windows, she covered herself back into the sheets as she tried to block the sun out.

Her head was pounding nonstop, she barely got a wink of sleep last night after the fight with Shuri. The emotions that were surrounding her were beginning to suffocate every last breath she took.

Riri didn't want last night to end the way that it did especially because she was smarter than this.

Riri fucked up last night she overstepped without paying attention to the situation.

When Shuri defended her position last night instead of understanding where she was coming from Riri immediately let her feelings for the older scientist cloud her judgment and she walked out on her without giving Shuri a chance.

Riri understood after being up all night how childish she acted Shuri wasn't saying that she regrets saving Riri's life a year ago.

She could have worded it differently Riri thought to herself.

Though if Riri had taken a breath and recollected her thoughts instead of walking out she realized that Shuri has probably been beaten multiple times for her decision to put Wakanda's safety in question just for her. Riri's growing feelings for the scientist made her emotional and impulsive when she needs to be calculated and precise.

She wasn't acting like herself, Shuri made one comment not out of spite but exhaustion she was tired of everyone questioning her judgment, and instead of talking with the Princess she just ran off. After everything that Shuri did and is currently doing for her and she doesn't give her the respect to explain herself.

Riri's disgust in herself continued to stir in her stomach, her nerves were getting the best of her and she was starting to become nauseous. She needed to apologize to Shuri.

'Hey kiddo are you doing alright your internal temperature is rising pretty quickly don't tell me you're getting sick?' AI Stark's voice sounded concerned for the girl

"No, I'm doing fine Tony thanks for checking in on me I guess it's just hot in the room," Riri quickly lied

'Yeah, I don't believe that but I will let it go because I know you won't tell me the truth,' the AI answered flatly 'But breakfast is the most important meal of the day you should eat Riri, even if it's a champion's breakfast like my black coffee,'

Riri chuckled in admiration of the AI "Tony coffee is not breakfast," Riri exclaimed

'Says you it got me through all my formative years without fail,'

"Fine, I'll get up but I'm not drinking that caffeinated mess," she replied

Riri got up from bed and quickly showered which helped calm her nerves

The engineer decided to wear the orange two-piece set, Shuri must have ordered another one for Riri since her first one was still in her dorm.

Riri took a breath as she opened the door and started walking towards the dining hall.

As she continued walking through the massive hallway alone, two Dora warriors started silently walking in her direction.

Riri's hands started to shake a bit as the two warriors got closer.

The Dora stopped in front of her and spoke firmly, "Miss. Williams you are needed outside the palace,"

Riri's heart dropped into her stomach.

Shuri is kicking me out. I've done it now. SHIT! Riri's internal thoughts were full-blown panic.

The only response that the young engineer could muster was "Sure lead the way," Riri smiled hesitantly.

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