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Your pov

Oh! I never introduced myself. My name is Y/n Aksnes. You probably recognize the last name by a certain someone. 

Famous singer Aurora.

The creator of the Sky Kingdoms and various angelic music. I was born in the sky kingdoms, by her. She created me...sadly...she passed.

I was devastated. I never even got the chance to thank her. I was told by the spirits that she left some gifts. I never actually opened them though.

Anyway, we made it to the school and it was huge. We landed in front of the school, everyone was staring at us in shock.

I was confused, Nikko held my hand tight. 

We went past them and went inside. We saw monsters everywhere.

'Great.' I thought, as we went to the principals office. We went in and saw...dogs?

"hOi i'M tEMmie anD DiS Is aNNoYiNg DoG, wElCOme 2 UnDerHiGh!" Principal Temmie said

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"hOi i'M tEMmie anD DiS Is aNNoYiNg DoG, wElCOme 2 UnDerHiGh!" Principal Temmie said.

We both bowed. 

"Thank you for having us." I said.

"hErE iS yOUr sCHedUlE." Temmie said, Annoying dog barked happily.

Nikko pulled on my cape. 

I looked at him and he did the 'signal'.

I nodded, as the stars on my cape glowed. He touched the stars and he vanished.

(Forgot to mention. You basically have moths, but they are inside your cape. Your cape is like a little carrier for them. Okay, back to the story)

I grabbed my schedule and looked at it.


Y/n Aksnes

1st Period: Art(7:00am - 8:05am)

2nd Period: P.E(8:05am - 9:00am)

3rd Period: History(9:00am - 10:15am)

4th Period: Lunch/Break(10:15am - 10:50am)

5th Period: Astronomy(10:50am - 11:40am)

6th Period: Cooking(11:40am - 12:30pm)

7th Period: Singing(12:30pm - 1:40pm)

8th Period: Gym(1:40pm - 2:50pm)

9th: Break/Home


"Okay. Thank you." I said, bowing.

I walked out the office and to my locker. I put in the combination and placed my bookbag inside. Then something slammed my locker door shut. I looked who did it and deadpanned.

Aurora's Daughter..?: NAJ x Sky! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now