Chapter 5

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Phoenix, Bob, and Hangman were up next.

"Good luck up there," Caroline told Bob.

The WSO nodded and had to be pulled away by Phoenix.

"Say, Phoenix. How's about we tell everybody Bob stands for something. Other than Robert," Hangman said.

"Don't take the bait, Bob. Want to know why we call him Hangman?"

"Oh wait. I got it. Baby on Board." Hangman laughed and Caroline shook her head.

But karma came for Hangman when they heard him yell, "Shit!"

"Greetings, aviators. Fight's on," Maverick told them.

"All right, Phoenix, let's take this guy out!"

"Watch your back, Phoenix," Rooster said.

"Break right!" Hangman yelled.

"Breaking right!" Phoenix yelled back.

"Where's he going?" Bob asked.

"That's why we call him Hangman. He'll always leave you out to dry."

"Leaving your wingman. There's a strategy I haven't seen in a while," Maverick said.

"He called you a man, Phoenix. You gonna take that?" Hangman asked.

"So long as he doesn't call you a man. Talk to me, Bob. Where's Maverick?" Phoenix asked him.

"Jesus, his nose is already coming around!" Bob said.

"Get him off me, Hangman!"

"For all you folks at home, this is how you bury a fossil," Hangman quipped.

They heard tone.

"You're out, Phoenix," Maverick told her.

"Son of a bitch!"

"Let's go, Mav. Let's see what you got!" Hangman said, "Evil be gone. Hangman's comin'."

"Yeah, you're good. I'll give you that."

"Shit. Phoenix, I can't see him. How close am I? Phoenix?"

"I'm dead, asshole," she told him.

"See you in afterlife, Bagman," Bob said.

Caroline laughed.

Well, well, well. The shy WSO could be sarcastic and witty after all. Score another point in his favor.

"Where is he? Where is he?" Hangman asked.

They heard tone.

"That's a kill," Maverick said, "Kamikaze, you're up next."

Caroline jumped up from her seat. "Yes!"

Rooster grabbed her arm. "Hey, be careful up there."

Caroline gave him a mini-salute and made her way to her jet. She took to the skies. "Come and get me, Mav." She anticipated Maverick's move and barrel rolled her jet out of the way.

"You're good, kid," he told her.

As they battled, Caroline dodged each and every one of Maverick's maneuvers. Finally, Caroline was tired of playing with Maverick and slammed on her breaks. She pulled the nose up until she was flying inverted. She righted her plane and got a lock on Maverick.

"Ha! That's a kill! Hey Mav, how's it feel to get beaten by a Kazansky? Again?" Caroline whooped and hollered as she barrel rolled her jet in a form of a victory dance. She landed and saw Maverick land behind her.

He climbed out of his jet and whipped off his helmet. "What the hell what that up there!" Maverick yelled.

"Uh, I was completing the exercise. Sir. What? Upset because I beat you at your own game?"

"You could have lost control of your aircraft and burned in! Surely your father taught you to fly more carefully than that."

Caroline's eyes narrowed. "With all due respect, Captain, I'm not my father."

Maverick heaved a sigh. "No. No you're not."

"Lieutenant Kazansky!" Warlock called.

Caroline groaned. "Am I dismissed, sir?"

Maverick nodded and she followed Warlock to Cyclone's office. She was sure her father had already been informed of her antics.

"Are we sure she's not Mitchell's kid?" Hangman asked, "You've seen the way she flies."

"Shut the fuck up, Hangman. She's not called Kamikaze for nothing," Rooster snapped.

Hangman held his hands up in surrender, but Hangman's comment bounced around in Rooster's mind.

Caroline flew a lot like Maverick. They had the same dark hair. Green eyes.

But there was no way she could be Maverick's kid.

There's no way Iceman would lie to both of them.


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