The ingredients

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Before we start! Some of the items on this list is optional, and you can add more or less depending on the ingredients. The ones with a * will have some instructions, mostly after the list.

So, to start, you'll need these:

- 2/(or more) cups of coffee of your choice.
- *A box of unflavoured gelatin
- White sugar (powder)
- A bowl
- Fork or a spoon
- *A medium-sized pot
- *Cups
- Patience /sar

So for the items that had a *, I'll explain what the "instructions" are;

- For your box of gelatin, if it has 4 packs (usually what I get when I buy unflavoured gelatin) just use 2 packs.

- For the pot, it can be large or small depending on the amount you're making.

- For the cups, I usually use cups when I make my coffee jelly. When I use 3 cups of coffee, I get around 4-8 cups of jelly.


QUICK A/N: I don't know if you need a different recipe if you're going to make it without cups, since I have it memorized.

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