Phonic - pertaining to the nature of sound (#4)

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" One sailor opens the door the where the captain is, panicked-looking, and drenched in rain, and what possibly could have been sweat, "The mast won't hold out for much longer. We should lower the sails. " to which the captain replied, "Don't be stupid. We can't quit when the fun is just about to start. " And with that the captain turns back towards the wheel, going back to steering the ship through the rough water, chuckling lightly to himself as the sailor is forced against the wall, very much fazed by the storm happening, gripping a table of sorts in panic.

Again, the captain says, no, more like yells, "Here we go. Now, take her hard to port." the sailor still looking panicked and gripping the table even harder (if that's even possibly) while the captain steers the ship up a giant wave, while once again yelling, "Let's fly!"


Third Person pov:

The storm was still as wild as before, the wind was still howling like crazy, but nevertheless, it was calmer. Most of the crew - hunched over, unable to much but groan in slight pain, clutching their stomachs while the captain was seemingly unfazed. His hand was still at the wheel (?), taking swigs of a drink ever now and then, still laughing as if he's done this hundreds of times.

"Ah, I've faced bigger waves than that and still lived." the captain says wiping his mouth on his sleeve. "Hey," the captain says to a hunched-up sailor in red "Take over the helm."

"Aye, aye, sir." The sailor says, still looking sick. The captain walks out of the room and down the halls saying, "Damned if this ain't the most worthless crew I've seen in years." And with that, the captain opens another door to be greeted with sounds of men groaning in pain, most looking terrible and sick with crates scattered around the room. "Not one of them has got sea legs. Pathetic. And they think they can pass the Hunter Exam? They're good for a laugh, that's sure." The captain says while slightly rubbing his head in possible annoyance.

Until a voice rings out saying, "Here, try these herbs. Chew 'em up real good and you'll feel better." says the same green-bean from earlier while handing a sailor different types of herbs.


"Sit tight. It's on its way."

The captain mumbles, "Huh, it's that boy again..." The captain looks up to see a blonde person in a hammock reading, using a bag as a pillow, looking completely unfazed. The captain looks around more and notices a man, possibly in his early twenties, chewing an apple and making funny faces as the man finds out the apple is apparently sour, "That's what I call a sour apple."

"Huh, I see. Seems there's a few with some iron in them, after all."

The captain continues to look around and notices another kid looking around the green beans age, phone in hand, their h/c hair covering part of their eyes. The volume was loud enough where you could hear some noises from the phone,

"Virginia, my home sweet home, I wanna give you a kiss
I've been in Paris meeting lots of different ladies...
I guess I basic'lly missed the late eighties...
I traveled the wide, wide world and came back to this..."

The captain looked away for a second as the sailor with orange hair comes storming in, cup of water in-hand, yelling "Coming through!"

The sailor ruins over to the green-bean kid, "Here, I got you the water." to which the green bean looks behind him and says, "Thank you!" Th green bean turns to another sailor he was tending to, and while handing the sailor the water says, "Here, drink up."

Tranquility (Hunter x Hunter - x gender-neutral reader!) DISCONTINUED!!Where stories live. Discover now