Tree of souls

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Neteyams pov

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Neteyams pov.

I awoke with a groan the light once again hitting me in the face, I sat up and stared at the almost empty space next to me the others had awoke before me and only Mother and father sat in the space

I yawned and stretched standing " morning"  I said Mother and father returning it and turning back to what they were doing

I ate and left the sanctuary hissing at the bright light and adjusting to my surroundings, I looked to the water and smiled seeing everyone in the water talking and laughing I then spotted Aonung who seemed to be looking around constantly until his eyes landed on me

His face brightened and he waved at me "Neteyam! " He said the others turning to me

Was he looking for me? I smiled and yelled out my Ilu swimming to me and I fived in to ride her to the others.

I swam to them and smiled " what are you doing? " I said swimming up next to Aonungs Ilu on mine as they both chirped at each other happily

" We are going to go see the tree of souls today" Tysireya said a huge smile on her face  " yeah! And it's under water! " Tuk said

Kiri looked just as excited by the look on her face " oh cool when are we going? "

" Now that your awake" Aonung said grinning, Roxto grunted and turned away from us

Tysireya slapped him on the head and he turned back to us glaring with his arms crossed.

Tysireya then led us all the way to the tree of souls our Ilus chirped and swam happily in the water and waves.

Me and Aonung had drew a bit back from the group and rode together " so how was your beauty sleep " Aonung said with a grin

" Oh shut it " I said pushing his shoulder slightly " I was only sleeping a little while longer than you guys, right? " I said now embarrassed that maybe I had slept for so long

" Hm yes you did but not to long do not worry " he said suddenly smirking as he let out a sound and the Ilu dived and then they jumped out of the water flipping in the air before landing back in the water

Spraying me and my Ilu with water as I was almost knocked off " HEY! " I said wiping my hair out of my face as I glared at Aonungs laughing figure

" I am sorry, Hehe I could not resist " he said wiping a fake tear " are you okay? My Neteyam " he said saying the last part in a whisper like purr

I darkened at the sudden purr and huffed "you do this on purpose " I said crossing my arms " no...maybe...yes I do I definitely do " he said grinning

" Your just so adorable like that my Neteyam " he said looking to the others before grabbing my hand and kissing it

" Does it bother you love? " He said smirking with my hand still to his lips

I gasped slightly and darkened more looking to his lips and my hand " your very bold My Aonung" I said narrowing my eyes dark blue spreading across my face

Neteyam x AonungWhere stories live. Discover now