Chapter 1

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Tuesday, November 10th 9:38 am.

The office was bustling about as usual, mail, imports, reports, and cops running to stop crime before it could cause any further damage, especially to the civila. Some officerare were on break, drinking coffee and talking. While others were speeding into their uniforms and filing reports on everything going on in the small town as well as the outskirts. It was like a bee hive, but instead of there being bees and a hive, there were polis and a polis station. Today was a very busy day in Sollefteå, Sweden.

Apparently, as it hasn't occurred before, Andreas was late for work. And as soon as he had entered the office, there was not one face not staring directly at him. When he looked up from his phone and noticed, he speed walked all the way to the changing room. Unfortunately, he got stares there as well; even while he was changing. He felt so uncomfortable. "Stop it!" He barked. No one was used to him being late ever. Due to being an early riser, Andreas was usually the one who came to work two hours before his shift started. This seriously concerned his co-workers. This was just too weird for them to comprehend.

The now confused office was questioning each other and every other thing just because one officer who loves to come early and have his morning peace and coffee came late. No one knew as to why he was late, he just was. If only they knew about the unfortunate events that occurred the day before. It surely was as interesting and confusing as it could get in this small town...

Andreas is still confused as he walks towards his desk but decides to ignore the stares drilling holes into him. Once he gets settled, his fellow co-worker and friend comes up to him with new reports and files he needs to sign and review. As he expected, the chocolate colored hair girl spoke first; "Well this is a rare case, Mr. 'I like to have peace and alone time in the morning'", He sighs, "Liah, my cat died yesterday... And what is it that you want?" He lamented. "Kapten wants to see you, wants to know why you're late." She informed. "I didn't ask about kapten, I asked what it is that you want," he countered. She sighed, accepting her defeat in order for her to whip around her emotions again into a giddy one. Andreas swears he will get whiplash from this woman.

In her invitational and happy attitude she finally asks something Andreas was expecting, once again. "Wanna ge-""Yes." She blinks. He blinks back at her. The tension rises as they now have a blinking competition, until Andreas speaks; "Okay let's stop. I have work to do and you can go be Scooby and the gang once we actually get coffee." He sighs once more. "Stop sighing like an old man!!" She yelled, making him just stare at her like she was the stupidest person on Earth.

Since she was so used to seeing his stoic face she was utterly shocked and horrified. She wanted to scream and run about just because of this man, but then that would just cause distractions. She had just realized what he had said earlier. But if the death of his cat had such a big impact, then that was a big problem. In order for her to calm herself and seem mutual to his reactions, she too, sighed. "Let's just go get coffee, you're late and I have things to do..." she stated bluntly. "You're doing it too now, you big hypocrite," he smirked. "I guess we're just two old people now," she acknowledged. "Nope! Just me," he states while adjusting his glasses. She gives him an 'are you serious?' face.

Meanwhile, having forgotten completely about Kapten, who was still waiting for the two of them to arrive. He remained in his seat still grumbling about the empty seats before him. His coffee no longer emitting the warmth from an hour ago. He was still growling under his breath while hunching over and holding his head in his palm on the desk.

Once they get to the coffee bar and make their coffee, they take a moment of peace and quiet. -Before Andreas opens his eyes to see people standing in the middle of the hallway just to stare and talk about him. "Stop it will you?" He retorted. It was really annoying to see people staring at him confusedly. But he got the memo, having never come late, people weren't expecting him to not have his morning coffee and be settled down by now. After a few sips and some calm breaths, he finally collected himself. He brought back some awfully painful memories of the day before.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2023 ⏰

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