Untitled Part 8

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Slammed the door.

You didn't care when I hit the floor.

Empty inside

Something I had to hide.

Left to die

Crying 'till my eyes were dry.

I always thought teen angst was stupid. Until it was me, crying in the bathroom. Until it was me with a million bracelets and concealer on my wrists. I had a crush, I was sort of "in Love". I just never realized how much it hurt. Watching them hold hands, laugh. The overwhelming urge to tear them apart. Then I remember. She deserves him.

She's beautiful. She's caring, smart, strong, athletic. She's everything I can never be. He'll never love me. She used to love me. And I love them both. And it's wrong. You can't love two people at once. It's not right. It means your feeling aren't real. But how can that be? The ceaseless pounding, the inexplicable pain. It feels so real.

Not like it matters. It'll always be a pathetic crush. A friendship you so desperately wish was more. But it's not. It never can be. It never will be. i guess that's all my whole life has been. A could've been, should've been.

It's during lonely times like this that I wonder where my friends are. I'm always here whenever you need me. But when I need you? Where are you when I'm so alone? In a world of seven billion, how is it possible to be by myself? Nothing can be done of it. I'll always be the odd one out.

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