The Idea.

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*This book is based on Aegon's conquest. I may also include the Targaryen dynasty and timeline, long as it is. I have made this book with the utmost accuracy to Fire and Blood by GRRM (Targaryen history book), and each chapter an accurate timeline, and detailed dialogue of how I think it all happened*

"Aegon Targaryen's conquest of the Seven Kingdoms did not take place in a single day"
- Fire and Blood GRRM

"Our histories, tell us that Aegon looked beyond Blackwater, saw a rich land ripe for the capture, but ambition alone is not what drove him to conquest, it was a dream.
- Viserys I

Yet Aegon had remembered the times when he and Visenya would both venture out on their dragons at the ages of only 11, atop Balerion and Vhagar to see the wonders of Oldtown, and the crystal waters near the Arbor by the Reach

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Yet Aegon had remembered the times when he and Visenya would both venture out on their dragons at the ages of only 11, atop Balerion and Vhagar to see the wonders of Oldtown, and the crystal waters near the Arbor by the Reach. His interest always stood, even Visenya, stubborn as she was, secretly longed for the fresh breeze of the West, it's ripe fruits, it's lively and sunny cities embroidered with riches and people. Much different to the smoky and rather isolated Dragonstone. He knew, he had to conquer it, they had to conquer it.

The night was full of storm, a big, shapely castle stood by the angry sea. A slim man entered the stone walls of a throne room. On the throne stood an old man, white of hair and an angry looking face, his eyes latched on to the anxious looking man walking in the room. "My King, news from Dragonstone". The King interrupted, "Dragonstone? You hear that my lords, Dragonstone", his lords smirked, laughing under their breath with arrogance. "What of this news", the King's stern sounding voice vibrated through the walls, followed by a slight silence. "Word from House Targaryen of Old Valyria, Gaemon Targaryen's three time grandson has declared himself to soon be King of the lands of the West, he declares all those who surrender to his rule may keep their lands and titles as Lords". King Argialac frowned, his hand came behind him, "Your Grace, we risk the competition of Harrenhall as of late, perhaps we might take this as an advantage". King Argialac stopped, pouting, "Yes, I know exactly what to do. We shall send a raven to Dragonstone, proposing the hand of my daughter in marriage and my lands, in return this dragon lord will dispose of our enemies". All the men in the room didn't move, stubborn as they looked, yet there was a slight nod in their face. "What is this boy's name" King Argialac demanded, "Aegon, Aegon Targaryen".

Aegon had spent the majority of his morning gazing out at the West from Dragonstone, the sun slightly setting on the coast, squinting his eyes. He was wearing a black silk robe with boots.
That is when a streak of long silver braided hair crowded his vision, yet his gaze still stood. "You are still dreaming of it, aren't you" it was Visenya. Aegon took a long pause, "When I look behind us, to the south, I see the past. Bloody and broken. When I look West, I see success, I see gold, gold!" dream of what I can clearly see, of what any man cannot deny infront of his eyes". Visenya took a hard look beyond, "There is no rush, but this land of the West will soon become ours, a place that we can rule". Visenya looked at Aegon, "It will, the dragons will rule once again in all the lands of the West". Aegon interrupted, "lands. Sister, the West contains many, we can make them into one, one that we can rule, one that we can grow." Visenya nodded her head, "One land, and three rulers". "One big land." Aegon turned to look at her. "Westeros" he claimed.

That day, Aegon and his council received the raven sent by King Argialic, "An insult, does the King take for a clown? Does he realise we have three fire breathing dragons?", Visenya, angry that Argialic hasn't considered Aegon's marriage to herself and Rhaenys. Though she did not necessarily desire Aegon, and wasn't known to be a considerably jealous woman, the arrogance of Argialic enraged her. "We shall discuss this tomorrow", Aegon sternly spoke to his sisters and brother, "For now, I would like to speak with Orys", he spoke as if he were angry, but Aegon was surprisingly hard to anger.

Once Aegon had finished feeling the dragon table, he stretched his arms out across the table. "It's a nice dream", Orys Baratheon spoke, his voice deep yet calming. "I have many a dreams, Orys, not one as realistic as this one, I need Westeros", his voice turned cold, dangerous, greedy. "You have three dragons, you shall have it, Visenya is sure of it". "As she is sure of what to do with King Argialac, he offers me lands that do not belong to him and a wife I do not need, I have Rhaenys and Visenya", Aegon continued, sitting down with a cup of wine. "Though we all know, brother, who's company it is that you spend with most nights", Orys smirked, and Aegon looked unsurprised. "I admire them both for different things". "Aye, Visenya is smart, Rhaenys is beautiful" Orys adjusted himself carelessly, "it seems you have what every man would desire, dear Brother". "So it seems, I wasn't destined to marry the girl", Aegon looked at his brother, "but perhaps you were, Brother". Orys, rarely surprised, peered at Aegon, "Me, surely the King means to wed a dragon lord". Aegon stopped, "Maybe, yet you remain at a high status position, once I take the seven kingdoms, you will be Lord of your own choosing lands, friend and brother to the King". Orys looked back into the fire smiling slightly, "You deserve to be happy brother, what better time than now". "Very well", Orys spoke, "But I want her to approve aswell". Aegon remained unmoved, yet nodded his head slightly.

Rhaenys was combing her hair, wearing a red pure silk robe, peering into the mirror at her long silver-golden locks, her hair looked like shining satin silk from the fire torches. Aegon entered, looking at her and smiling, he truly loved Rhaenys. Aegon slowly walked up to her, looking at her through the mirror, hypnotised. "You are truly beautiful, Rhaenys". Rhaenys smiled, "my love", she turned around to kiss him, and they spent the night in ecstasy, enjoying each other's company as they did most nights,

"Tomorrow, my love, our conquer and rule of Westeros will start tomorrow". Aegon whispered in Rhaenys's ear, within his last awake breath before drifting to sleep.

 Aegon whispered in Rhaenys's ear, within his last awake breath before drifting to sleep

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2023 ⏰

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