I don't know how I fell in love with you.
Maybe it's not love at all, maybe it's just a friendship. I dunno, I don't know what it's like to be in love. I don't think so anyway.
They say you know love when you feel it, you know who you love when you see them. But they're wrong.
Aw, heck, I don't even know what I'm talking about. I have no idea how I feel. Confused, yes. Mum'll just say it's some silly teenage crush, that I'll get over it. But she's wrong - I think. Aw, heck. Whoever invented love was really confused.
The first time I saw you close-up, the first time I heard you speak, was a few days ago. You were smiling. I soon realised that was how you always were. Always smiling, always laughing. And heck, that smile made my heart beat. You were at an op-shop, looking at a book. A paperback - Charles Dickens, I think it was. You held it and went over to the clothes and pulled out a shirt. You opened the change room doors and went in. When you came out, boy, you made that shirt look good. Your friend looked over and smiled.
"Get it," I murmured softly, and your friend said the same. You grinned. "Yeah, I think I will." You went back in the change room and when you came out you were wearing the first top. You pulled a purse out of your bag and tipped coins into your hand. Your face fell for a second but you picked yourself back up.
"I haven't got enough. Come on, we need to meet your parents soon." You put the top and book back and left.
I ran over and picked up the book then found the top. I bought both of them. I still have them both, in a box in my cupboard. That sounds kinda stalker-ish, but I promise that's not what I meant by it. I want to give them to you. But I don't suppose I will. Why would you even look at me?
Aw, heck, I'm confused. I'm going to bed now so I can get these crazy thought out of my head.
Letters you'll never read
Short StoryI don't know how to feel about her. She's just so . . Everything.