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Hello i'm Rew, i'm a 16 year old girl living luxury??
And i'm the youngest to 4 boys. Life here isn't so magestic".. We always had a strict rule of.. Never going outside, we are home school. "Father, when can we leave. We are going to be adults. " Rox said " Why are you so curious about the outside, do i need to say it again that it's very danderous." He said. I was listening through the converstation. "So you wanna go outside? Once your birthday is close i will bring you to a academy. Your mother learned there, It is only for rich people like us, you will learn more about the school at your mother" I didn't understand. What's this "academy" he is gonna be in...
Rox heard me, i ran as far as i can, he didn't see me. That's good.. I know he is gonna talk to 3 of us on who was listnening. If i was just the 2nd  oldest i'd be going with him

| Later |

I waa writing in my journal in my room, my favorite  place of all. Untill a knock not like my brothers knock but a soft knock, i opened the door but it was Rox he wanted to talk to me "Rew, come with me this is important. . . " - " oh my, seems sad. But okay i'm coming you can go now " - " I will wait for you, i know you Rew.. " his eyes scares me giving goosebumps. I hate it " Y-yeah,  i will i-i will just u-uhm, get changed " - "Good. I will be out here.. " i went to my closet and picked a white croptop and long jeens and changed. I putted my shoes on. " geez, why does he act like a jerk why.." i got out and left my room " lets go Rox" - " follow me." he held my hand so i wont go anywhere else "Are we here yet?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2023 ⏰

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