☁︎☼A puppeteered Dream☼☁︎

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Tw: dissociation, False hope? Panic, repeating words, mention of death and blood, Manipulation/being controlled. Tell me if there's any I missed please!

The smell of baked goods wafted by, along with the scent of the morning dew and sound of a waving flag.

"Come on big man! If you don't hurry I might have to take all the goods for myself!" A familiar goat boy with brown hair in a blue, white, and red uniform exclaimed, glancing behind him at me before pushing faster away.

This isn't right?
What's missing again? The boy looks off, like he's lost some features.
He doesn't look right, he looks different, he looks softer?

I pause, stopping in my tracks. Was I running after the boy? Looking behind me I peer at an oh so familiar flag.

Squinting at it I realize what's wrong. Lmanburg. I thought Lmanburg was gone?

Blown up.


I begin to observe my surroundings.
The walls. They're here?
Unbroken and not in pieces. The yellow reflecting the bright sun beams as the black sucks them in like an unruly parasite.

I take a glimpse at my hands.

They're clean.



They look older, a past old.

I look down at my clothing, my usual outfit is missing. Replaced with an unwrinkled uniform, soft and shining in the light. I reach up to my head feeling my old Lmanburg hat sitting in my hair, untouched and unshredded.

Am I dreaming? It feels so real Though... I can taste and feel everything around me. I can taste the morning air, feel the grass under my feet, smell the freshness of bread.


Niki's bakery!

Did I dream of everything that's happened, did Shlatt never exist? Wilbur's alive? How? Why? Why would I dream of something so absurd?

But, everything is the same as before, I can smell the bakery, hear the flag.
It was just a dream.
I sigh to myself.


However if I dreamt of Shlatt, and Puffy, and Ranboo, then how come it felt so real too? How did I feel the pain from every death, every burn, every scratch?

I shake my head, it hurts.

Everything hurts.

I'm tired.

My face hurts.

My hair feels tangled.

I feel as if it's almost impossible to move my body.

I squeeze my eyes shut, getting myself back together. I look up just in time to see the goat boy waving excitedly at me, a worried look plastered on his face.


A smile spreads across my face as I rush over to him, exhaustion pulling on me.

"Co- o- Tomm-! Ar- -u o--y? Y- lo-k t---d, no de-d..

I look at him with a confused expression, he feels distant. I can't make out what he's saying?

It sounds like blurred static.

"Tommy?" He questions me, almost like he hadn't actually said anything. I look down at the smaller boy blinking my shock away. Rubbing the back of my neck nervously I reply,

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2023 ⏰

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