Chapter 4

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3rd POV

He heard her voice in the distance and had to see for himself what he was hearing. What he saw angered him when he saw the Cross pack ganging up on his friend and an innocent she-wolf. One he could sense was terrified of them, he had to intervene.

"Wait here," He commanded his warriors. They agreed and waited in the shadows of the trees while he went and towered over them. Immediately when she looked at him he knew why her voice was calling out to him. Their mate bond was calling him. She was beautiful. She was also terrified.

He called out his warriors and had them take in the pack alpha and his warriors fully intending to have them locked into a cell at least for a few hours, if not overnight. The she-wolf looked on curiously.

"Who is your friend Tyler?" He asked.

"Rosetta, my brother found her wounded walking down the side of the road a few days ago," He explained, "She's still recovering from silver poisoning."

"What happened?" He asked.

"She was locked in her room by the pack that turned her the window that was her only escape embedded with silver, she broke out and she's been healing from it since. Eric's been treating her." That means she's been healing as a human instead of her wolf.

He longed to wrap her in his arms and protect her from the world, to destroy the pack that dare hurt her.

Who would do something so cruel to someone so beautiful? He wondered to himself. Instead he asked, "What brings you to the Sword Territory?"

"We were heading to the Cross Territory, but after Rosetta's experience with their alpha, we backtracked and were heading back to the house when Spartan found us."

"What experience?"

"He thinks she's his mate," Tyler says. Nickolas growls possessively, Tyler looks on curiously between the two of them, with a spark of interest in his eyes. "She has no feeling of the mate bond. We were hoping to speak with pack elders to see if there was any information on what could cause this."

"For one to feel a mate bond and not the other?" Nickolas asks, Tyler nods. Hearing that one already felt a mate bond with her and she didn't return it had his heart beating faster nervously. Rosetta looks over curiously.

Nickolas agrees to have them come if only to have more time with her. It was only when she shifted back into her human form that he knew she felt it too. This bond. Which warmed his heart.

She and Tyler follow him to his pack house she stays back with Tyler and stays quiet most of the time only speaking when spoken to. Probably more out of fear than respect. Who wouldn't be afraid of going back to a pack after what happened to her? He was furious.



Did he feel it too, this feeling of utter and complete need to be near each other? Is this what a mate bond feels like? Dove whimpers when we get to his pack house and he directs us and then walks away.

"Are you okay?" Tyler asks.

"I'm fine, I've just not had the best experiences around packs." I lie.

"The Cross Pack isn't exactly known for it's hospitality." Tyler chuckles humorlessly. "How did you turn, if you don't mind my asking."

"It's not an exciting story." I tell him. He still nods for me to tell him anyway. "One of the wolves in the Cross pack, Roger's wolf, Magnus, had been drugged by a vampire, so when I was walking home from work, I cut through the park, he turned me. I was his responsibility for a while to try to train, but being me, I proved almost impossible to train as a pup." I shrug.

"Was it a full moon?" Tyler asks.

"Almost, a few days until the full moon when it happened. Oliver, Scott's beta, was a better teacher for the ways of the wolves. He let me be a normal human while still showing me how to be a wolf."

"So if Oliver was a better mentor why wasn't he appointed?"

"He was the pack's beta, what beta has time to teach a pup how to be a wolf?" I ask him giving him a look. "Plus, I think Scott was jealous of how close Oliver and I were. Oliver and I were friends and I couldn't stand Scott."

"Ok fair enough, a beta has a lot of responsibilities to the pack," Tyler says. "I forget since I'm not in a pack myself. Sword pack and Cross pack are the closest I get. There's also the Shield and Arrow Packs, but I try to avoid them if I can I've encountered them once, and once is plenty for me."

"Are all these packs armory themed?"

"Pretty much there's only five of them. Cross, Sword, Arrow, and Shield."

"That's four buddy..." I tell him.

"That's because no one talks about the Legend Pack." Nick says. I look over to Nick curiously wanting to know more, but also wanting him to wrap me in his arms. "They're a bit of a..."

"Legend?" I tell him.

"The pack doesn't quite exist anymore..."


"It's not important what did or didn't happen to that pack." Nick shuts down my questions firmly, but gently. "The elders are ready to speak with you about the mating bonds. They've also been instructed to answer only questions about the mating bonds. New pups they are curious about everything."

"Of course," I look curiously at Nickolas. I still seem to find him curious. "Are you coming?" I ask turning to Tyler. "You know more about what we're looking for."

"I don't even know what to ask Rosie," Tyler laughs.

"Alpha," One of the wolves comes in, "The Alpha of the Cross pack is demanding to speak with your guests."

"He's in no position to make demands," Nickolas says, "Take him and his warriors some food and water and leave them, keep them under guard for the night."

"Yes Alpha," The wolf says with a respectful bow before leaving.

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