Chapter 1

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It's early in the morning. I look at my phone and it says 4am. Well and I'm awake. My little baby cries. She wants to get comforted. To life with a toddler is hard but manageable.
I stand up, walk to her and pick her up from her bed. In my arms I rocked her back and forth, hoping that she would find her way back to sleep.

"Hi. my little baby. What's up Hilma? Hm. You also can't sleep like mummy. Oh my little girl, go back to sleep."

I was comforting her for a little while until I felt that she felt asleep again. I laid her back in her bed and walked out of my room straight in the kitchen where I saw the mess my mom left. I looked in to the living room and saw her sleeping on the couch with more bottles of alcohol around her. Trying to not wake her up I walked back to the kitchen to clean it. After I finished it and put all the bottles away and did some dishes I looked at the time and it was almost 5am.
I walked back to my room where I saw that Hilma was still sleeping so I decided to try it again. After a little bit of time I fell asleep.
I woke up at the sound of my alarm I set for 8:30am and I'm proud that my little girl was sleeping until now. I walked to her and woke her up.
I walked into the bathroom with her to get us both ready for the day. I changed her diaper and put on some new clothes.
I also picked out a outfit for me. It was a comfortable set of joggers and a crop top. With that Ready I walked up to the kitchen with Hilma in my arms. She was hungry so I sat down to breast feed her. My mom at this time woke up and came into the kitchen.

"Child, I said you so many times that I don't want to see that. How many times do I have to say this... I'm getting annoyed by it. And my head hurts too. Where are the pain killers?"

"So first, Hilma too has to eat something so get fine with it. And I don't know where the pain killers are, maybe in the drawer over there."

I pointed over to some drawers. Hilma was ready with eating so cleaned everything up. I started making me some breakfast. I ended up eating my porridge 15 minutes later with my cup of coffee. Mom did found her pain killers and did take some.

"So I saw that you drank again yesterday. I did clean everything up. You know this was the last time. Today I'm moving you remember?"

"Well, yes I do remember, but don't expect me to help you. You want to move so you have to do this alone."

I didn't replied to that. I knew that she would say that. After I announced that I'm moving she wasn't very happy about my decision. But that didn't changed my mind.
Today I will move to the countryside before London. And I'm excited. I want to give my little daughter the best opportunities for her life. And it will start with this.
After I ate my breakfast I picket up Hilma and went into my room to pack the last ingredients I want to take with me.
Now it's almost 10am. That was when I ordered the moving truck to take all my belongings to my new home. After all, it takes almost 2 hours by car. I heard the bell ring and opened the door. Just when I saw two guys who smiled at me. They explained that they will pick everything up I want to take with me. After 1 hour we were ready to go and they offered me to drive with them. I agreed and walked to my mother to say goodbye.

"Mom we are ready now. They offered me to drive with them and I agreed. I just wanted to say goodbye, so here I am. See you around."

"Yeah, yeah, goodbye. See you around."

I walked to the truck and took Hilma with me. It was a chilled car ride and after two hours we finally arrived at our destination. it was now 1pm and we immediately started to unpack the truck to be done with it early. I laid Hilma into her stroller so that she could sleep peacefully and I startet to help the two guys. At 2pm we were ready and they left.
Now I was alone with my baby girl. Now my new life can start. I'm excited and so happy to left my past behind me.

I was putting everything up. I dont have much but at least there is a kitchen, so that i can make food. And i have mine and Hilmas bed too and all of our clothes. I just have to buy something for the living room, and of cours a lot of decoration so that this house gets more personal and cozy. I love the idea of decorating everyting.

But I will start tomorrow. Its already 4pm and to late to go to the city with Hilma. Shes still so little and it was already a stressfull day so i let her rest. I will make some food for me and try to go early in bed. Hopfully I can sleep a little bit longer this night.

I decidet to eat just some toast because i jut have some basics here. Tomorrow I also need to go to the supermarked and buy some food. Thats a need.

After I was ready with eating I took a shower and was suprised that Hida was still sleaping peacefully. But I had to wake her up after my shower, so that I can breastfeed her. Ater she finnished I made her ready for sleep and I also did go to bead at 6pm.


So guys. This is the first chapter . Cate and Y/N didnt meet but will soon. I hope you like it so far. I have to say, that english isnt my first language so there will probably some mistakes in it. But I still hope its fine.

I dont know how many times I will give updates. Its probably super uneven because I have to go to work now.

Until the next time


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2023 ⏰

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