♡ Chapter 11 ♡

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When Jungkook reached his room, y/n had already taken her shower, dressed in some comfortable clothes, and was coming out of the bathroom. "I will quickly take a shower and come. Wait for me here, yeah?" asked Jungkook as he took some clothes for him from his luggage.

"Okay," said y/n while looking around the room. Jungkook looked up from his luggage and smiled softly at y/n who was in her own world while sitting on his bed.

 Jungkook looked up from his luggage and smiled softly at y/n who was in her own world while sitting on his bed

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Jungkook's room still looked like a teenager's room a little bit. Even though he started to live far away from his parents' home, they didn't want to change anything in his room. So they kept it just the way he left it, because that's the way he liked it.

The walls were white, but at the same time the room had a little bit of a dark theme, and there was an Iron Man painting on one of the walls. It looked like he drew it.

 His room had a queen-size bed

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 His room had a queen-size bed. There was a table in the corner of his room. There were still some books he used in school when he was young. Some old Iron Man posters were still hanging on the wall above his bed. And there were many Marvel figures and plushies. In the corner of his room, there was a cupboard filled with trophies and medals he had received before he joined the entertainment industry. There were some photo frames with photos that he had taken while reserving or holding them.  

Y/n got up from the bed and slowly started walking towards the cupboard while looking at the photos. Some of them were taken when Jungkook was almost eight or nine years old. Some of the pictures looked like he didn't even want to be there; in some, he was forcing a fake smile, and in others, he was smiling while displaying all the teeth that he had in his mouth. One picture caught y/n's attention. In there, little Jungkook was wearing a white suit with a dark blue and white striped bow tie. In that picture, he was giving a toothy smile to the camera. It looked like someone was signaling for him to smile toward the camera while standing behind the parson who was taking the photo, and he was trying to imitate that smile. He looked so cute. Y/n giggled when she saw Jungkook's bunny smile in his childhood pictures.

"What are you laughing at?" Y/n flinched when she heard Jungkook's voice behind her. Her back was almost touching his washboard-muscled chest. Y/n felt shivers running down her spine as she felt his breath fanning against the skin of her neck. His lips were a few inches away from her ear shell as he bent forward a little to look at what y/n was looking at.

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