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Apo woke up and done his morning routine and went to kitchen to make breakfast for him and his husband... after he done making he went to bedroom to wake mile up

Apo: Honeyyy...wake up

Apo softly whispered in his ear and gently shakes him....soon mile open his eyes and looks at his beautiful husband in front of him

Mile: good morning baby

Mile said with sleepy voice

Apo: good morning to you too get up and ger ready for office na I already made breakfast

Apo makes mile get up from the bed and pushes him in the bathroom...

After half an hour mile got ready and went to kitchen... apo already served him breakfast...they both eat together

After done eating... mile ready to go to office..

Mile: Baby I'm going now take care k

Apo: k hubby you too na take care and eat your lunch I made for you

Apo said Seriously and mile chuckled and nods and kissed apo

Mile: I will love...k I'm going... I love you

Apo: hmm I love you too hubby

Apo says and kissed mile back...and mile left....

After mile left... apo cleaned the House and locks House and went out to buy some groceries and some stuff...

1h later apo back after buys some groceries and some stuff... the bags is heavy to carry and apo thought he would use lift but unfortunately the lift isn't he have no choice and use stairs to go.... but it's hard to carry those heavy bags...the bags was about to fall but suddenly one girl came and helps apo

Apo: my goodness... thank you so much for your help na

??: No problem na here let me help you

Apo: Thank you again

Then she helps apo to carry bags...soon they arrives and she puts bag in table

Apo: Again thank you na...

??: Haha it's k..ummm...

Apo: oh.. it's apo....and what's yours?

??: Fong....nice to meet you apo

Apo: nice to meet you too fong

Fong: So you're living alone here?

Apo: no na I'm living with my husband

Fong: oh where is he then

She said and looks around

Apo: he went to office na.... He's a ceo

Fong: got married to a CEO huh...

She said and casually looks around the house and she saw the mileapo marriage picture in wall

Fong: umm.... is that your husband apo?

She said and points at the picture

Apo: yeah he's my husband

Fong: he's looking sooo handsome tho.. you're so Lucky

Apo: haha I know right

Fong: hmm...i will get going meet you later apo

Apo: k bye bye

Then she turns around and was about to leave but suddenly she again'saw the picture on the wall...she stared at mile for one sec and left....

Apo noticed fong is staring at his husband but he just ignored her and closes door

Why is she staring at my husband she a good person or not??

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