Before it Happened

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Author POV
(Lan Family)

"A-Zhan this is our A-Yuan's lunch take good care of my darling baby Gege," Wei Ying who is the husband(wife) of Lan Zhan said as he give his husband the lunch he made for his baby. Today is the 1st time the team daddy's to take their sons on a picnic. In contrast, the team papas go to a luxurious Spa their husbands and sons reserved for them cause they want the team papa to at least take a break after a long week of waking up early to cook them breakfast and help the hubbies with their needs so yeah they can all agree their omegas need a break once in a while.

"A-Ying baby it's ok we'll be fine our baby Yuan is fine don't worry about us, worry about yourself get some time for yourself, you deserve it, and didn't you say you want to see Kuea again?" Lan Zhan asks as he looks at Yuan who is reading his favorite book that he received from his grand-uncle Qiren and Grandma Boashan

"I guess I haven't seen that Cat in a long time... Ok see you both soon Yuan baby don't be naughty to your friends and Father ok?" Ying said as he hugs both his husband and son who also hugged him back as well

"Don't worry papa, me and Daddy we'll be fine and I won't be naughty to my friends" Yuan said snuggling closer to his dear Papa

"Ok ok let's go now before I change my mind, I still have to go to the Wang mansion," Ying said and dragged both his husband and son to their car

Theerapanyakul FAMILY

"VEGAS HURRY UP LOVE!!" Pete screamed at his husband who is still in the shower

"Wait Baby I'm almost done," Vegas said while Pete sighed his husband loves taking time in the showers

"Papa, is Dad done?" Their son Venice then went inside their room and hug his Omega papa

"What's wrong Honey?" Pete asks his son who has his head buried in his neck precisely where his scent is, it always calms Venice when his tense

"It's our first trip without you, and you know how much I'll miss you," Venice said whining in his papa's arms who chuckled at his cuteness

"I'd appreciate it if you let him go," A newly fresh out of the bath Vegas said as soon as he saw his lovely omega husband and his bratty alpha son who always steals Pete's attention from him

"Never old man" Venice/Phayu teased hiding behind his papa who giggled and pet his hair

"Why you little-" "Enough!" Vegas was cut off by Pete who is already between them he looks so done with them already

"Vegas our son is just teasing you and get dressed already! And you stop calling your father old!" Pete scolded the 2 alpha but before the 2 could respond to their only omega a laugh broke down they look behind them and saw Macau at the doorframe

"P'Pete don't be so stingy, these 2 will wet their pants again HAHAHAHAHA!!" Macau laugh at both his older brother and nephew who glared at him for being too nosy

"And why are you, not ready young man? Are you forgetting that you are coming with them cause you said you're meeting with Porchay and Kim?" Pete asks Macau who stops laughing and started sprinting to his room before his P'Pete catches him and scolds him for not being punctual

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