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Mr park : so here I have the test results
And I must say that I am fairly happy , except for SOME, glares at yn
Yn: gulps
Jimin hands out the answer sheets
Camilla good job
John not bad
Rina good job
And finally we have the two papers and I am tremendously proud and pleased with one and extremely dissatisfied and disappointed with the other
Stand up Irene and yn
Irene looks at yn and gives a sly smile
Mr park : irene I'm so proud of you , you managed to get the highest scores in all of your exams and tests . You will be rewarded because of your hard work .
Congratulations. Flashes a warm smile
Irene : thank you sir , it's because your class intrigued me and grabbed my attention that I was able do my best .
Yn: trembles in fear because she knew she failed and she could not utter the reason why , she knew Jimin was strict and that he would not even hesitate to suspend her as she did not even pass 1 subject.
Jimin: and finally we have our miss KIM YN
She does not respond
Yn stands up immeadiately
Jimin : let's see you did not even pass 1 FUCKING SUBJECT  he yells at the top of his lungs

The whole class flinches
Oh no yn is dead today some mumbled
It's her fault she didn't study

Jimin : NOW  why are u such a disappointment, always playing around with jennie but at least she managed to study . Yn u are not a fucking child anymore so show a tiny amount of maturity and pay attention to your studies you IDIOT . I feel bad for your parents , it must be sad to give birth to such a useless piece of SHIT , he growls in fury
Yn: your heart sank and you looked up stunned with your teary doe eyes
Everyone knew your parents had passed away and you were staying with your step father and his girlfriend
The whole was too stunned to utter anything
Jennie's blood was boiling
Yn s suicidal tendency was coming back
Jimin: are u deaf SAY SoMETHING CHILD
Yn : y-y-ye-y-yes
Now explain
Yn: it's - it- it's beCuse -
In her mind ( I can't say that I can't study because I work 3 jobs and my step dad beats me and I pass out and wake up the next morning)
She plays with her fingers
Jimin had enough
JIMIN: I thought u had some other reason bescause  no one can fail all subjects , but unfortunately I guess not
Tears stream form yn s eyes , it felt like her heart was stuck in her throat
Jimin: you are suspended

To be continued........

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