Love At First Sight?

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So I'm gonna start with this and say that I'm changing this story up with the way it was originally suppose to go. If you like it, then please, keep reading. If not, well I'm sorry to disappoint you. Enjoy. ^-^

The first time I met Morgan was after about a month of talking with her over the phone and through texts. Our mutual friend, Billy, set us up. I worked with him and he was tired of seeing my ex girlfriend treat me like trash. I remember it like it was yesterday. I was in the back having my break, it was somewhere between 5 and 6, I was due to get off at around 10 that night. So was he. Anyways, besides the point, he came back there with a huge smile on his face.

"So I might have someone for you," he stated. I looked up from my phone and raised both my eyebrows at him.
"Is that so?"
He just nodded and took a seat in front of me before pulling out a cigarette. Lighting it, he pulled up a photo of a girl. I had to admit, for a stud, she was rather pretty.
"She's kinda like the girl version of me," he continued to say. Actually, she looked ten times cuter then him. But we won't tell him that. Anyways, I crushed out my own cigarette and pulled up Facebook on my phone.
"What's her name?" I had asked. He told me her name and I typed it in quickly, and there she was. I stalked her for about five minutes before finally asking him for her number.

But the day I officially met her was on a Friday, I think. It was raining and I was sitting in my ex girlfriends white mustang at my job. I had just gotten off work and billy was picking me up so we could all hang out. While I'm waiting for him, I'm texting Morgan.

I'm nervous to see you finally. -Morgan

I smile and typed back.

It's long over due, don't you think? -me

Well yeah. I tried to come over while you worked but there was always something that came up. :( -Morgan

We can make up for it today. -me

Just then I heard Billy's car pull in and my heart started to beat faster. This was it, I'm gonna meet her. After a month I'm finally gonna meet her. My hands started to shake, like actually shake! I had never been this nervous about meeting anyone before. I couldn't even look at the message she sent me, I was so nervous. And of course when Billy pulled up he had to pull up with the passenger side facing me. And can you guess who was there when the window rolled down? Uh huh. Morgan.
She wore a blue beanie over her short hair and her purple under armor hoodie that I grew to love. I was....I was in love. She smiled at me. That fucking smile that hooked me, I started to call it my smile.
After I got in the car, billy took us to his house. He had excused himself for a second while I took the rocking recliner and she sat across the living room on the couch.

You're a lot prettier in person. -Morgan

You're beautiful. -me

I looked up and saw her smile. She was typing back when Billy walked in.
I guess I should describe them both for you.
Billy was a tall scrawny guy. He was 19 and had short red hair. He always wore skinny jeans and Jordan's. He was the definition of a fuck boy and if you asked him he wouldn't deny it. Says, "I take pride in being a fuck boy,"
He was two inches shorter then me. I'm 5'6.
Morgan was a slim athletic girl. At the time she told me she was 17 going on 18 but I'd soon find out that wasn't exactly true. Anyways, she was about 5'5 and without the baggy clothes she's actually really tiny. Tiny enough for me to wrap my arms around her and pick her up with ease. She had brownish blond hair and hazel eyes. (She denies it but I know better.)
We were hanging out and I get a call from my ex girlfriend. Of course I ignore it but knew I had to get back to the store or I'd have no way home. She was, unfortunately my ride. But before I said anything we all hung out a little longer. And I want to say that this girl was inching closer to me. This is what I mean.
When we got there she sat on the other side of the room, Billy sat in the floor. She got up a number of three times. The first time to show Billy a picture and when she sat back down she sat a little closer to me. She got up again to answer a call and when she came back in she sat even closer to me, mind you we were still a ways apart. And the third time she got up was to show me a photo of a tattoo she wanted.
Let me ask you guys something. Was there ever a time when you just wanted to do something so bad yet you so scared of what the other person might think?
Yeah well that's how I felt when she got so close to me and I could smell her perfume and lotion. She was so close, right there, and all I wanted to do was grab her wrist and pull her into my lap. That's something I regret not doing. Because after seeing the tattoo she pulled away and sat back down. Even to this day I hate myself a little for not pulling her in. And I do have to say that she's the first person I've ever fallen head over heels for. I mean come on! Her smile! Her smile made me fall in love with her. Something so simple that I crave everyday had me hooked, line and sinker.
But, I guess I'll leave it at that for now.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2016 ⏰

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