☆ Chapter 6

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6 : Oops, I Missed the Chance


As you were making up fake scenarios as you were so lost inside your own little imagination land, you quickly got dragged out of it to see a note on your desk. You open the note to see that it was from Kaeya.

Hey, It's me Kaeya. I was wondering if you'd like to have lunch together? And of course you can bring some friends along with your little boyfriend, Scaramouche. My brother's not coming though. He'd be too busy being at the student council.

To : Y/n
From : Kaeya

Reply here ⬇️

Oh, Kaeya. That guy who mistook you for another person. Well, you didn't mind if you were going to sit with him at lunch, you were wondering if Scaramouche minded so you devided to text him.

😼˖◞ Waiter Guy . ִֶָ♡˖

7:32 PM

Well yeah I mean..

Read at 7:32 PM

2:35 PM

Hey Scaramouche, I
was wondering if you could
join me with Kaeya at lunch. Do
you mind? ^^

Yeah, I don't mind. As long as you oay attention to class Y/n.

Oh! Sorry..
Read at 2:35 PM

You turn off your phone to answer the note and pass it to Kaeya while the teacher wasn't looking.

*A few minutes later*

"Hey Y/n! Are you still coming for lunch?"

"Y-yes, I'm coming. A-also he's not my boyfriend."

"Who? Scaramouche? Of course he's not. It's just a silly joke I made. After all, you said you were gonna give our relationship another chance~"

"Hold your horses K-kaeya. I haven't decided yet."

"Alright alright.."

Just then Scaramouche walks up to you and quickly holds your hand.

"Hi Y/n, oh. He's here too."

"C'mon man what's with the attitude?"

Scaramouche just scoffs at Kaeya's response. You three walk out of the classroom not expecting to see a familiar ginger haired man show up with a mysterious certain student council member.

"Hello! Oh hey there Y/n!"

"Why do you always have a seperate greeting for Y/n?"

"Because they said they were one of the alphas!"

You widened your eyes to Childe's response. You didn't say that. Who did then? Was it the person Kaeya was talking about? Nah, forget about it Y/n.

"Ehm, excuse me?"

"OHHH HEY KAEYA EHEH DID NOTICE YOU THERE!" He looks at the annoyed man.

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