6. The Dirty Cliché (MxM) [2019]

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A/N: This specific setting/trope was a request. Hope it was to their liking.

Warning: Slight dubious concent. 



Hi, my name's Ian Morgan and I hate high school.

I sighed at the writing in my new journal. According to my sister, pouring your feelings into paper was better than bottling them inside and being on the brink of getting an ulcer. And it wasn't as if I kept everything inside, I didn't hide all my emotions. It was the anger and hurt and sadness that I decided to hide.

The thing is, I don't hate high school because of the academics. I quite enjoy learning. Its the fact that I'm great in school that I get bullied for. Yes, I've been called a nerd, geek, four eyes. It didn't bother me. I always thought of it me being the better person by not reacting the way they wanted. But yesterday was different. Yesterday they went too far.

It wasn't a secret that I preferred getting fucked than fucking someone else. I just didn't feel the need to have everyone know like it was their business.

Now thanks to Brandon, guy who was my friend, practically outed me to the whole cafeteria yelling, and I quote: "At least I don't like it from behind!"

I was a bit saddened by the fact that he didn't know of all the possible positions in gay sex. But I knew that he meant that I liked cock up my ass. Of course, I said all of this in the same tone as his.

So I got called a faggot.

Word I hated.

And now I don't have a friend. The only friend I had, the only one I trusted outside from my family, goes and yells that out. I guess I have to pick better friends.

Time for school came and I set down my notebook. Grabbed my bag and got ready to go.

As soon as I stepped inside school's ground I was hit with insults, nasty glares, actual objects hitting me and I think someone even started praying for my soul. It all made me scowl and I refused to be ashamed of who I am. That's never happening.

So I went through the school day, ignoring everyone and everything that didn't deserve my attention.

It wasn't until P.E. came that I expressed my disgust to the world. Okay, to the boys in the locker room.

Everyone was changing and doing it quickly. Glaring and voicing their dislike at me. Threatening that if I even dared to look at their dick they'll cut off mine.

"Really? I mean, really? Just because I'm gay doesn't mean I offer my ass to any cock. What's wrong with you? Seriously, don't flatter yourselves."

"Oh please. You'll love if anyone even offered to lay a hand on you." Mindless drone number one smirked.

"Do you want to fuck every single girl you see? And I mean any. No, of course not, because even if they are a girl you're not attracted to every single one. Its just that simple. Now stop hiding your junk. We've all showered together for Christ's sake. I've seen yours, you've seen mine and no one has gotten fucked. Let's keep it that way." I felt kind of proud at their silence until I opened my locker and a bunch of papers fell from it. Dicks drawn all over it.

I didn't even comment. It wasn't worth the hassle. It was childish. Where they expecting me to freak out? Because I wasn't going to give them the satisfaction.

So I grabbed one of the papers off the ground, quickly standing straight when I felt eyes on my ass. I quickly looked around but no one was looking at me anymore. In fact they had all left.

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