A Promise Kept

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Spartan 113: "Hey guys. Absolute chaos in life. Finally might've landed a job. So I guess one less stress on me huh? Anyways. I realize. I've forgotten my roots on how I write. So let's fix that. INTO THE PLOT."

Third Person P.O.V.

The now consumed and monstrous Laura continued trashing the field. William calmly walked past those fleeing the scene as he made his way to the main floor of the colosseum.

"William! Are You Mad!? You Can't Go Out There With Laura Like That!" Ichika would turn after passing him before attempting to try and stop him.

".... I have to Ichika. You may not fully understand..... But I made a promise to some friends and her long ago.... And one to myself as well. Let me through. It's my responsibility." He calmly stated as he continued walking to that door.

To the fateful moment about to commence.

"I Won't Let You Get Yourself Killed! Let Me Help!" The Shonen protagonist tried reasoning with him. Only to receive a hand pushing his off their shoulder.

"You've done enough. This is between me and Laura. It does not concern you Orimura." William stated bluntly cold as he continued his walk.... Ichika left frozen.

"....... As you wish Will..... As you wish" Ichika relents and goes to join Houki and the others to keep an eye on the carnage. William would finally reach the stadium floor and put out his cigarette while staring at Laura.

"So.... Seems our pasts truly can't stop coming back to haunt us huh Meine Schnatzi(treasure)?" William chatted sadly as Laura stared silently.

"......" Her featureless and blank grey face would give no answer; Only slamming her sword down where he stood as he was forced to dodge or be crushed and split.

".... Seems so... Forgive me. But I can't lose another one." He remarked regretfully as he activated Damocles while summoning his wires. "So it seems I'm going to have to stop you"

(Yeah... I brought back the feels. This is also one reason I'm uncertain of Ao3. I won't be able to sound track anymore)

The Monstrous Laura would make some kind of noise and swing a fist down as William replied with one of his own causing a small gust of wind.

"I guess it's gonna be like this.... So be it." William's eyes would harden in determination and the two would commence to fighting again with more damage being done to the area.

"Laura Don't Do This. It Isn't You! It's Valkyrie Damn It!" He pleaded as he sliced her sword into chunks only to watch them slowly restore themselves into a solid shape.

She's let out a pained scream of agony before slamming the blade with a three stroke combo to attempt hitting him.

"DAMN IT LAURA! We've Already lost so many! All the nights mourning and wallowing in our guilt. I won't do it again!" He'd punch her back and slice an arm open only for them to heal.

She'd scream again and punch him hard launching him back before he got back up and charged again at her.

"So Many dead for those bastards! All of us for nothing! We were led to be disposable weapons! They lied about what we fought for as well!" He'd continue slicing and punching while trading hits with Laura.

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