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jisung was driving over to felix's house, jeongin in the passenger seat and seungmin in the back.

the oldest had remembered the way to the freckled boys home from the amount of times they've all hung out together.

it was quiet on the drive, music softly playing in the background so the car wasn't just filled with awkward silence and nervous tension.

they knew felix wouldn't have done anything to himself. they believed that he didn't.

but there was still a very high chance he did. but everyone tried with all their might to not think about the chance that he did.

once they arrived in front of the modern-looking house, they all held their breaths, hoping their best friend is okay.

they got out the car and walked towards the main door, jeongin taking out his keys since felix gave him an extra key for whenever he wanted to come over.

they carefully and quietly walked inside, immediately noticing how pretty dark and quiet the house was. they all looked at each other before quietly walking up the stairs and to felix's bedroom.

when they opened the door, all they were met with was darkness.

"lix?" seungmin called out, badly hoping for a response.

that's when the three boys heard movement coming from the bed, their eyes landing on a messy haired felix, his cheeks tear stained.

they all frowned at the sight, walking closer to the sad boy slowly.

"what are you guys doing here?" felix asked, his voice deep and raspy, sounding like he had woken up not that long ago.

"we were just checking up on you. you haven't been active at all, and you haven't been going to school. it's been four days, and everyone is super worried. especially hyunjin." jisung spoke, sitting on the bed, looking at felix with gentle eyes.

"oh." was all felix was able to get out.

he looked around and saw how much worry was carried in all his friend's eyes, making him feel bad for his sudden disappearance.

"i'm sorry," felix frowned. "i'm sorry i left without saying anything. i swear i didn't do anything! just crying. lots of crying." the freckled boy chuckled sadly at the last sentence.

"i'm so sorry lixie." jeongin apologized. he felt at fault for this.

"don't apologize, innie. it's my fault for falling for some dude i know i'm not enough for. you two would look good together!" the second oldest smiled.

the youngest shook his head and sighed. "lix, you're more than enough. and plus, me and hyunjin are just friends. we will always stay just friends. i like someone else, anyway."

everyone turned their head, looking at jeongin once he said the last sentence.

"um hello, who is it?!" jisung squealed.

jeongin blushed at the thought of the person, shaking his head.

"n-no one."

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