#1: The Foggy Beach (me)

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Vihas was driving in his car to a beach resort. He had been looking forward to this vacation for months! He'd been planning and working hard to get enough money to spend just one day at the resort. He was bringing all four of his friends. And now he was finally driving there. "Are we there yet?" asked Tanishi. "Not yet." Vihas replied patiently. "How about now?" chirped Tarun. "Nope." said Vihas. "The GPS says there are ten minutes left." "Woohoo!" exclaimed Pallu. The beach resort slowly came into view, palm trees and all. The beach was foggy, but the fog made the heat bearable. They spotted some people surfing on the waves, some lying on hammocks, and some drinking some tasty-looking fizzy drink. "This is gonna be our best trip yet!" Vihas exclaimed.


At exactly 9:30 PM, Vihas lay awake in bed. He was too excited to sleep! All of his friends were fast asleep. Vihas decided to look at the photos. Vihas smiled as he saw his friends' laughing faces as they did activities and ate yummy snacks. He scrolled to the next photo. There was a resort person in the photo. As he was about to delete it, he looked closer at the person's face. There were no facial features! "It must be a glitch, or maybe I'm tired..." he murmured. Vihas grabbed the curtains and slowly pulled them open. He gasped. THE BEACH WAS FULL OF SLENDERMEN!!!

Vihas immediately shut the curtains. He woke up all his friends. "Wha-ma-why-wake us up?" said Pallu sleepily. "There's no time to explain, the resort is full of slendermen!"exclaimed Vihas. Tanishi quickly set to work. She pulled on her socks and grabbed the suitcase. Vihas was glad they only brought one suitcase. Pallu grabbed toothbrushes, food, waterbottles, flashlights, and a few large sticks she picked up that day. Tarun passed out the socks and kept watch for slendermen.

Once they were all ready, Vihas did a roll count.









There was no reply. Diya was gone! Vihas passed the car keys to Pallu. "Everybody, get in the car! I'll find Diya." Vihas knew they needed a distraction to get to the car safely so he told them to get in on his signal. He grabbed pots and pans and tiptoed over to a tree and tied it to a branch. Vihas heard a tiny hissing behind him and he turned around to find a slendermen with the legs of a snake! Well, actually, they were more like scaly dragon legs but in the confusion, they looked sorta blurry. The pots and pans rang loudly and attracted all the other slendermen. Sankelegs chased Vihas, but Vihas was faster. He jumped into the car and hit the gas! "Diya!"screamed Tarun. "What about Diya?!" Oh my god, what with the snake-legged slenderman Vihas had forgotten about Diya! He desperately thrust his head out the window to see signs of her, but there were none. Wait, what was that...? It was Diya! She turned to face them but THERE WAS NO FACE!!!! She had been turned INTO A SLENDERMAN! There was no saving her so they drove far far away from that resort and never returned.


They called the police to investigate the resort but they found nothing. It turns out that almost all the people who went never came back, and the staff always said things like, "They decided to leave," or "They probably stole one of our kayaks and rowed away" and the people who came back only said when interrogated, "I was in a resort. I had fun." As for Vihas and his friends, well, they didn't trust resorts anymore.

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