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Tionne POV

It's been 2 days since the incident with Rozonda, her mom and I. She's always sending voicemails to my phone and I would try to return her calls but it always disconnects. I miss her like crazy and always trying to find a way to get her back to me , I don't care what it takes

Im here at the trap house in my office sitting down at my desk thinking how am I going to get her back here to me , where I want her.

I have 2 guns  in front of me waiting for me to kill , how frustrated I am.

"Yo! Tionne" Pac knock on the door pushing it open "you hear about the shoot out on 4th street?"

"I heard , but I wasn't interested in none of that" I rub my head taking my feet off the table

"3 niggas got head shot, nobody know where those bullets came from. We need to watch our backs man, shit getting serious out here" he said throwing the newspaper down

"What you so scared for?" I pour jack daniels whiskey in a glass shotting it back

"I ain't scared, I ain't never been scared of nothing!" He scoff looking at me "why you have papers everywhere?"

"I want to get Rozonda back" I sit at the edge of my desk . He look at me laughing

"You know that ain't gon be possible. Shawty momma gon call the police and get all of us lock up"

"At this point , I don't care what happen. I need to hold her, I need to feel her, I need to embrace her, I just need all of her"

"You in love love" he smirk "look you my sis and I'll do anything for you, but that one is out the picture , the cops are going to come once her mom see she goes missing again"

"Me and her is going to go FAR" I punch my fist together standing up "you know how much I grow to love her in those couple months"

"Don't lose yourself sis, because your gonna lose it all. I understand you love her. But think about what's going to happen"

"I don't care about what's going to happen. They have to find us first. Imma go so far , they wouldn't think that part of the world exist"

"Sis we need you here, you can't keep running"

I smirk at him walking towards him nodding my head "I could , and watch me" i whisper before walking off

At the house

"Goodnight Ms Watkins" the maid said leaving the house

"Goodnight Denise. Be safe"

"Ok see you tomorrow"

I close the door throwing my jacket on the chair , taking out my cellphone out to see more missed calls from her . From some reason I could not reach her

"Fuck it"  I said to myself throwing my phone going upstairs to my room

I change my clothes putting on some black slacks,  black timb boots, ski mask, and my black hoodie. I was going to get her and leave this place tonight

It's no way , I was going to leave her that easy. As for her bitch ass friend Carlie, I was thinking bout gun butting the bitch then throwing her body in the river, but Imma give her one more chance.

I grab my car keys and gun off the table walking out, ready for whatever comes my way tonight .

In front of Rozonda Yard

I park my car somewhere at an abandoned house. I sneak through 3 yards just to get inside her yard . Now I'm at her window watching her curtains blow from the wind

I throw a rock through to signal her, I guess it work because she pop her head out looking. I wave my hand so she could see me and she did . A smile spread across her face with a surprise

"Climb the tree" she whisper

I look at the tree thinking how I was going to do this, cause it was so tall . I still did it anyway

I climb the tree with no problems, trying not to make any sound . When I got to her window she pull me inside , causing me to tumble on her . She started kissing me breathlessly and fast like she was loosing her mind

"Baby, I missed you so fucking much"

"I missed you more, I missed you way more. Trust me" I said breathing hard kissing her all over "pack your things . We're leaving"

"What you mean?" She arch her brow "now?"

"Yes , pack something. Not alot because I could buy you everything back . We're leaving tonight"

She grab a bag and start throwing stuff inside quickly . I even help her to speed it up

"I didn't thought you would come"

"We made a promise remember?" I look at her

"I love you" she pull my Mask down to give me a kiss

Successfully, we made it out the house without her mom realizing. We run down the road through night without a care in the world just trying to get to my car . The only thing that was left behind us was the fog from the cold draff. We finally made it to my car , I unlock it for both us of us to quickly get in

"Whattt just happen" she look at me laughing breathlessly lost for words

"We did something wrong , and there's nothing to care about right now and not at all" I kiss her hand

At the trap house

She stand there looking at all the money lay out on the floor and guns in brief cases.

I walk behind her slowly

"Question" I said softly

She look back at me ...

"Would you die for me?"

"Yes" she said staring at me like she really meant it

"No , that's to easy" I put my finger on my lips

"Would you live for me?" I stare into her soul wanting a real answer

"Yes" she said again not taking her eyes of me

I ask her this because dying for somebody is nothing compared to living for them to make them the purpose of your life

I smirk pointing at her "careful, do not say this oath, thoughtlessly" I slowly grab her face cupping it biting down on my lips "desire becomes surrender, surrender becomes POWER" I said in a loud fast whisper still looking deep in her eyes She did the same with such flame and love in her eyes like she was under a trance . I trail my finger down her bottom lip "You want this?"

"I do" she said soft

"Say it, say ittt, pretty please " I grab her neck biting down on my lips


She turn around bending down slowly picking up a gun turning back around to face me "Let's do it" she smile

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