There's a surprise at the door...

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"Days like this are the best." Sam raise his beer bottle up as me and Steve does the same.

"Yeah." I took a sip from my beer and flick through the channel. "So, Stevie any lucky ladies?"

"I been on a few dates here and there but work has been a lot on at the moment. You should come over one time, join dinner with me and the boys during work."

"Yeah maybe when he stops shagging all the ladies in this town first." Sam laugh.

A quick loud knock comes to the door.

"I get it." Sam place his beer down on the coffee table and gradually jog to the door and open it.

"We need to find you someone Steve, how about... Erm Natasha sister Yelena?" I ask

"Does it look like I want a death wish. I'm surprised you haven't"

"Like you said... Death wish."

"Eh Bucky.... I think you should come and see this." Sam calls out, still standing at the door. I put my beer down and walk on over to Sam.

"What is it?" I roll my eyes.

"That.." Sam point down at the floor.

I look down where he was pointing to see a moses basket with a possibly five months baby asleep covered in a pink blanket with the name 'JAYMI' written on the white of the blanket. I look down in the corridor but see no one else there. I pick up the moses basket, carefully not waking the baby up. I put her on the kitchen island as Steve joins us. As I look into the basket again, I notice a note tucked beside her. I grab it and unopen it. 

'Should've worn a condom asshole - Sharon. Have fun' The note read.

"Who's baby?" Steve ask.

"Mine..." I slide the note into my fingers and Steve grabs hold of it.

"Should've worn a condom asshole, Sharon... Have fun" Steve read out loud. Gradually, the baby starts waking up.

"Well shit" Sam said with a shocking tone.

"Language. Not in front of the baby." Steve hush Sam.

"Like she would know what that word would even mean Steve." I roll my eyes at what Sam came out with and continue staring at the note. "She doesn't even understand us, do you sweetie?" Sam said lean in to the baby and quickly backing up as he held on to his nose. "What the hell is that smell?"

"Look like she does understand that word, Stevie." I laugh, putting the note down on the side and lift her up as her diaper sags down. "Geez, that is strong." I choke. "Is there any diapers in there?" Steve rummage through the basket.

"No." Steve shook his head.

"Great." I huff. "Could you take..." I lean over looking at the name of the blanket. "Jaymi a second." I pass her over to Steve and quickly rush to my room, grabbing a t-shirt and toilet roll. When I come back into the room, Steve place Jaymi blanket on the dining table and put her on top of it.

"Dude you can't put her there." Sam moan. "People eat there."

"Where else am I going to put her?" Steve shook his head.

 "I got a t-shirt, toilet roll and..." I grab a trash bag from the kitchen and return to them. "And a trash bag." I hand them over to Sam.

"Oh no you don't. You're the daddy, Buckaroo. You did the dirty now clean her." Sam smirk, pushing the stuff back to me.

"Fine," I take them and pass him the trash bag. "You can keep the trash bag open then."

"You know what I think I should phone Natasha, maybe she knows what to do." Steve said, pulling out his phone and calling Natasha taking a few steps away.

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