Chapter 1: A Start

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It's been a few months since Dante moved in with Mei Hatsume. For a few weeks, Dante had nothing to do, so he helped Mei with her experiments whenever she asked.

But, to continue in the world, one needs an education, so Dante was forced to enroll. He enrolled in the only school that would accept him, Aldera High, and because of his age, he was able to start as a 3rd year student as long as he was able to pass some tests that proved he was fit for it.

Dante was already much more knowledgeable than anyone around him, so he was only willing to go for the rest of the 3rd year, no redos.

Many were skeptical of someone joining the school in the last year of Aldera High, but people quickly threw the skepticism away when Dante scored the best scores on every test he took.

So, for the next few months, Dante would attend class for idiots since even the teacher was a moron. Dante would quietly sit in the back most days and zone out since he knew everything that was presented to him.

2 students did stick out to Dante, though. Izuku Midoriya and Katsuki Bakugo. Those 2 were polar opposites that have known each other all their lives. Bakugo was loud and confident with an ego the size of the sun. Midoriya was quiet and anxious and the main target for most bullying since, unlike most people, he was quirkless.

Most days were troublesome, and today was no exception. On the way to the train station, a villain appeared and started wrecking things. Dante was in the crowd of onlookers as things progressed.

The villain was clearly in a state of panic and started smashing everything in sight. In one of his wild swings, he ended up sending metal debris flying toward the crowd.

People started backing up when the debris got closer to them but were saved when a pro-hero rushed in and caught the debris. The pro-hero was Death Arms, the punching hero with a superstrength quirk.

And to stop people from getting any closer to the danger, a string of water formed by the rescue specialist hero, Backdraft, and his water manipulation quirk.

In the back of onlookers, Izuku Midoriya looks at the scene like the fan boy of heroes that he is. Dante was also in the back right next to Midoriya, not accompanying him, but just happened to be in the same place.

"This guy must be pretty desperate to go monster like that in the middle of the city. Do you know what happened?" A random person asked to another.

"Just an amateur. Stole someone's bad and then got himself cornered." The other replied.

Dante scoffed slightly at that. "A quirk is wasted on someone like that." He thought to himself.

Out of the corner of his eye he noticed Midoriya start making his way through the crowd and to the front. Dante followed him through until he got a good look at the scene from the front.

A group of fangirls screamed in joy as another hero made his entrance. Midoriya recognized him instantly as Kamui Woods.

Midoriya: It's Kamui Woods! He may be new but he's making a big name for himself!

Back on the track, Kamui Woods rushes towards the giant villain and attempts to subdue him by using his quirk to grab the giant's wrist.

Due to the superior strength of the giant, though, he swings Kamui through the air and sends him back a few feet. Kamui remains fine and lands on his feet as he slides back a bit.

Kamui: Assault, Robbery, and the illegal use of powers during rushhour traffic. You are the incarnation of evil.

"I wouldn't go that far." Dante says to himself back in the crowd.

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