Left out

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Ah, yes another skit, where things can get wild.

⚠️🚨 Warnings🚨⚠️
Some Jazz x Prowl
Maybe Optimus x Bumblebee?
And The Autobots (except for Optimus, Jazz Grapple and Hoist and Preceptor) treating Bumblebee like trash.
Ok that's it.

Bumblebee was walking out of the main room sniffling and wiping his tears. Everything was going great until....well....


IronHide: LISTEN UP!
Everyone is shocked by this and turn to him.
Ironhide: As you all know the Decepticons are planning to attack us someday and we need to be ready. So with Prime-
Bee: Hey guys! What's going on?
Ironhide: Just wait, and I'll tell you all.

Bumblebee stood still, and let him speak.

Ironhide: As I was saying. Prime and I agreed that we should all train to be prepared for the Decepticons attack.

Bee: Wow that sounds like a great idea! When do we start?

Everyone bursted out laughing at him well except for Jazz and Grapple and Hoist, and Preceptor who all looked at them awkwardly knowing that nothing that Bumblebee said was funny.

Prowl: You? Training? No.
CliffJumper: Not in a million years!
Bee: I'm not a sparkling anymore guys! C'mon! Just let me train with you guys so I know what we're up against!
Side: You really think?
Sun: We'd let someone like you???
Everyone starts to laugh again pointing at Bumblebee and Jazz looks at him and Grapple and Hoist look at eachother and Preceptor coughed.

Bumblebee started to sniffle and tear up and he walk out.

✨End of Flashback✨

They always do this to him.
They always leave him out of everything.
They say he's not big enough or is too small for anything they do.
Jazz keeps him company and he forces Prowl to stay too.
Grapple and Hoist play with him with the toys Grapple made for him.
As for Optimus, he gives Bumblebee the sweetest kisses to him when nobody's looking.

Later with Jazz and Prowl:

Jazz: I can't believe you laughed at him?!
Prowl: I said I was sorry.
Jazz: Sorry isn't going to fix it.
Prowl pulls Jazz closer to him and kisses him.
Jazz kisses him back and wraps his arms around his neck.

Bumblebee just stared at them awkwardly knowing that He would get in trouble if someone saw him.

Bumblebee walked past Ironhide and Preceptor.

IronHide: Are you done yet? Your as slow as Bumblebee!
Pre: Fixing takes time, and will you please stop bullying Bumblebee?
Ironhide: It's not my fault he's useless.
Pre: If you think that then your repairs are done.
Ironhide: No their not you still have to give me back my arm?!
Pre: Fine. Once I'm done with it then leave and don't come back until you learned your lesson!

Bumblebee started to tear up and run away from from what he saw. Preceptor shook his head and gave Ironhide a glare, and continued to reattach his arm.

As Bumblebee was running he bumps into Optimus and he hugs him tightly crying in his shoulder. Optimus is confused on what was going on hugged him back.
Optimus: Bumblebee? What's wrong?
Bee: I-Ironhide w-was s-saying m-mean t-things a-about me...
Optimus: What did he say?
Bee: He said that I was-

Bumblebee was about to continue until he saw Ironhide coming and he tightened his grip on Optimus.

Ironhide: Hey, Prime. What are you up to?
Optimus: What in Cybertron did you say about Bumblebee?!
IronHide: I never said anything to him!
Optimus: Then why did he say you said mean things about him?
Jazz: Hey! Will you guys keep it down? Prowl's trying to sleep!

Jazz looks to see Bumblebee clinging on to Optimus, and crying.

Jazz: Bumblebee...? Are you alright?
Bumblebee started to whimper and look up at Jazz.

Jazz: What happened?
Optimus: Apparently Ironhide said somethings about him.

Jazz smacked Ironhide in the back of the head.

Jazz: Ironhide?! How could you say things to him? You know how he feels when someone says things about him!
Ironhide: I was onl-
Jazz: FORGET IT! Apologize to him now!
Ironhide: Fine. Bumblebee I'm sorry about all those things I said about you.
Bee: I-its o-ok.

Weeks later:

Everyone started to be nicer to Bumblebee.
They all apologized to him.

Everything went back to normal until....

Bee: You took it!!!
Sun: I didn't he did!!!
Side: No! You did!

Prowl: What's wrong now?
Side: Bumblebee saying that we took his favorite blanket, but we didn't take it!
Bee: Yes you did!!!
Sun: Did not!
Bee: Did too!
Prowl: Alright enough you two! Why don't we help him find it instead of fighting?
The three of them: Okay.

They looked everywhere to find Bumblebee's favorite blanket, but it was no use.

Bumblebee started to get tired of looking, and ask to take a nap.


Jazz: Hey, have you seen Bumblebee?
Prowl: Yea he's taking a nap in his room why?
Jazz: Oh, it's because I put his blanket in the wash you know the one Optimus got him.
Prowl: We we're looking for that blanket.
Jazz: Well it's washed and dried I'll tell Optimus to take it to him.

Later again:

Optimus opened the door and walks in Bumblebee's room.
He heard a light lullaby coming from a music box, and there was a little moon with a cloud spinning with it.
Optimus covers him in the blanket that was just dried and kisses his forehead and walks out making a peep.

Bumblebee slightly smiles.

Lol the end 💚🖤
Thanks for reading.

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