A Night at the Pentagon.

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General P.O.V:

A wrist stops the prisoners and sends him flying back.

Another voice rings out and says, "DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH HER OR YOU'RE DEAD!" It was filled with anger. Y/N recognise the voice as one of her brothers. She turns around and started running towards the younger of the two twins, Jake. Y/N hug him tightly, and feel him returning the hug just as, or even tighter than her. The other twin, Blake, is beating the shit out of the crazy prisoners. When he's done he walks over to the prison guard, and wipes his hands on a cloth that the guard gave him. He walks over to his siblings and joins the hug. 

Just as the back up arrives, they find 3 siblings hugging, Oliva and Guavara wide-eyed, Michael and the Guard shaking looking at the prisoner. They follow where their sight is fixed, and the scene they see makes most of them gag... 

The prisoner on the other hand is beaten, bloody. His face turned inside out. His bones shattered. His body limp. His organs spilling out. Staining the once pure white room, into a puddle of red, with a dead, limp, body in the middle of it. All this had happened to him in a matter of seconds. The Guards are forced to remove the body, adding it to the accidents that the "Devil Twins" have caused. 

Your P.O.V:

I hug my brother and start crying into his chest. After a few moments I feel a chest against my back. I assume that it's my brother Blake, based on his stature, and the scent he gives off is similar to Jake's. You start to cry even harder, and then black. 

(Your brothers look like this, looks more violent looking though

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(Your brothers look like this, looks more violent looking though. Of course you can change it, this is an idea, but the scars are always the same. The only way to tell them apart are the scars in their face. Jake has scars on his left eye, right cheek, and across his neck. Black has scars on his right eye, right jaw line, and across his neck.)

I wake up in a luxury room, one that looks almost, exactly like my room back home. A few things have changed is that the room and bed are slight smaller, and your desk and computer are a slightly darker colours, and a few things missing. But otherwise, it's the same. You swing your legs off the bed and jump down, spotting your bag on your darker desk. I walk through the door, expecting to see the long hallway that is normally there, But I don't. I see another room. It has a TV, computer, couch/sofa (Whatever you want to call it), with a table with 6 chairs surrounding it. Two beds are pushed either side of my room door. I'm guessing that this is the twins bed. They are normally very protective of each other, family, but especially me. I look closer and see that 5 of the 6 chairs are occupied. My brother Blake spots me, and signals me to sit in between him and his twin. I comply, sitting in between them, and across from Michael Holes. 

"So... Whats happening?" You ask, turning and looking all the men, in the eyes.

"We found out why you're here." Blake started,

"And why we aren't allowed to go with you." Jake ended.

"We just talked about this." Guevara says, looking bored once again.

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