Chapter 3

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Your eyes flutter open to the ice walls surrounding you, covered by shelves littered with books and concoctions of various things. A shiver runs down your spine causing you to hold the coat wrapped around you, closer to your body.
"Apologies for not having a blanket, I wasn't expecting.. anyone to come here." Albetwo's voice rings out, him sitting across the fire from where you laid. A small portable grill sitting above the fire, a perfectly cooked slab of meat sat on top. "I couldn't find much this morning, so hopefully this will do." Albetwo picks up the steak and places it on a napkin.

"It's fine, you didn't have to do this in the first place." You murmur sleepily, grabbing the steak from him. Looking it over, you grimace slightly, realizing you have no utensils to eat it with.

"Of course I did." Albetwo stands up from his spot. "I'm going to visit Mondstadt for a quick supply trip. Stay here, it's too dangerous for you to go out. Not many people come to Dragonspine but it's better to play it safe." Albetwo briefly explains as he grabs a few things in preparation for his descent down the mountain. "I left some wood over there to keep the fire going." Albetwo gestures to the small pile of wood not too far away from the fireplace.

"Alright, thank you."
Albetwo doesn't respond as he walks towards the entrance of the cave and without looking back, he leaves the cave. With him gone, you have no choice but to eat what was given to you. Your first meal in Teyvat, a grilled steak on a napkin. Delicious.
Surprisingly, it was actually delicious. Except when you accidentally bit and swallowed a piece of your napkin.

Now done with your breakfast, you take a look around the cave. You note that it looks awfully similar to Albedos, except this one seems more cluttered. Diagrams were pinned to the icy walls, notes being attached to the images that are scattered around. The language being that of Teyvats, therefore rendering you unable to read them. Although, some drawings looked familiar, one even being the heart of Dragonspine.
Done looking with the room, you choose to stare blankly at the fire.
It got boring.

After awhile, the fire began to dim so you get up to grab a few planks he left out. After placing the wood on the fire, you decide that while your up you might as well grab a book to read. Looking over the shelf, none really catches your eye so you pick a random one. Opening the book to see if its something you'll be interested in, you frown once seeing whats inside. "Oh, right.." You can't read.


A few hours later, you hear the soft crunching of snow approach the cave. Knowing the probability of it being someone else other than Albetwo was pretty low, you still couldn't help but feel tense and quickly hide behind his desk.
The crunching of snow stops as they finally enter the cave. With every movement the person made, there was a crinkle sound, similar to that of a paper bag. They got closer and closer to you, but stopped once in front of the desk.
A thud (as well as that annoying ass crinkly bag sound) was heard as the person set something on the desk.
You, who has yet to look up in fear of moving even just a little would give away your spot, felt eyes piercing into you.


You turn around only to see Albetwo staring at you from over the desk. A smirk formed on his lips as he watches you go from tense to relaxed as soon as your eyes met. "Oh, it was just you." You stand up from your spot on the ground, "I was worried that someone found your camp."

Albetwo faces away from you and instead digs through the bags he has placed on the desk, a big object covered in wrapping paper was beside the bags. "No need to worry so much, I doubt a average traveler could find this place. After all, not even Albedo has found this place." Albetwo places the food (most being canned) down on the desk, throwing the empty paper bags onto the ground afterwards to make more room. "But, I wouldn't reduce chances to zero. Good thinking on hiding. Although, next time, pick a less obvious spot."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2023 ⏰

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