Moving to Quotev

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This story is going to become a Quotev only story.

Comments haven't been getting better and honestly, if it wasn't for some of my other stories, I'd just stop uploading here in general. So, everything but the first five chapters and prologue chapters are going to be unpublished.

I'll republish everything else once the story is complete, but for now, this story is going to be leaving this site.

If you want to continue reading it, it will be continued on Quotev.

Quotev is a website I normally use. Don't try to look for it in an app store, you won't find it there. Trust me, I've tried.

just look up and you'll be there.

You don't need an account to read it there, but you do need one to comment. If some of the people who have been leaving the sorts of comments I mentioned in my last chapter continue to make those comments guess what? I can block them and they won't be able to read this book at all.

My account name over there is ClaraTV, the book has the same name as it does here.

Sorry it had to come to this, but I'm just freaking done.

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