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     The sun comes and goes the nights stay low
     The nights come and go
My heart will show
              Poem, author

Sunday, November 1
Morning hours,

The house was quiet  too quiet...
I turned over to check the kids they were gone  I turned back to my original spot dazai was still sleep our hands interlocked still

I looked up at him his brows were furrowed together  and he was sweating but he was freezing I wen to move but he squeezed my hand so I sat still  for a sec untill he stopped squeezing  then he finally let go thats concerning..

I took this chance and pulled the covers over him and got up to go the bathroom and change out this costume

So I closed the door as quiet as possible and headed on to my to do list  after I had gotten changed and everything  I made some coffee took a supplement

"Hmh I must be almost done with these " I thought out loud thats until I checked the bottle and became disappointed  I had way to many to go  ill just go visit the doctor once I get back home  I turned back to the coffee and added the mixtures that is until I felt someone behind me  and felt very nauseous
I push the person off me with pure agression and anger and turned around to face them .

"You got some fucking nerve touching me like that and also I've been  meaning to tell you I don't ever wanna see you again  I've got too much shit going on  to be dealing with you and your unecessary bullshit for no absolute reason  , grow up and maybe you can have someone and keep them for a while " I said to nicolas and stormed off  and went back to dazai who was now getting worse I checked his head now it was warm  but he was sweating profusively

I shook him to wake up
I continued to shake him  but he wasnt budging

I was getting nervous

I hate to deal with him but he too knows dazais mediacal condition

"Nicolas I need your help " I rushed out the room

"Whats wrong ?" He asked unfazed

"Its your brother "

He put the cup down and ran over to dazai he checked him he took his shirt off and told me to get some ice I did and brought it to him  he wrapped it in a towel and started to cool him down not even five minutes later he woke up .

we heard arina coming downstairs all happy in nicolas's  shirt from last night i was confused by it but it then dawned on me they must have sex last night because she was way to happy and also from what she did to dazai .

that wench , she came runnin over shoving me out the way in the process and pretended to care about dazai and dazai only became worse again  he started crying and hyperventaliting 


'' your making him worse why dont you leave '' she retorted at me i only smirked and said to her 

''Why don't you because he only got like this because of you and his brother but mostly you ''

she just looked at me and shoved me and got up to leave 

 me and nicolas just looked at her 

'' im gonna bring him to the living room to rest out there so he can get some more different air so ima need you to help me chuuya '' nicolas said feeling guilty i cant see it but i felt it  i said okay and grabbed his legs and kola grabbed his upper half and we laid him on the couch and prompted him up more and laid the blanket on him to make him more comfortable  then i went to grab him water just in case he get thirsty he can just grab it , i  went over and moved his hair behind his ear he looked over and smiled pathetically at me and i smiled back  he went to speak but i only shushed him and told him to rest .

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2023 ⏰

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