akikasa on a pancake date

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tsukasa pov btw

Akito held his head low, not daring to look me in the eye. He appeared to be staring at the ground, almost. "Tsukasa.. would you- ugh, I can't do this.." he muttered, I pretended not to hear the second part. "What is it that you need?" I asked, striking a pose. Despite not looking at me, he could tell I was doing a 'dumb', or so he calls it, pose. These suspicions were confirmed when he groaned. "Would you want to.. get lunch with me. Whenever you're free." He sighed and finally finished the sentence, cheeks flushed red from embarrassment.

I have to admit, I was a bit shocked at the request. THE Akito??? Asking me on a totally-platonic-definitely-not-a-date outing?

"Don't make a big deal out of this," I figured he could tell based on my facial expression. "Toya said it would help us.. bond? I don't know either." I chuckled, a bit offended that he dreads hanging out with the super awesome and NOT annoying upperclassman that I am. Of course, I'm delighted to have this opportunity.

-i dont know how to write setting changes to theyre at the place now yar cut me some slack its almost 4 am-

12:30 pm, right? I anxiously checked my watch, hoping I wasn't too early. Okay, it's 12:27 so he should be here any minute now. 

In the midst of overwhelming thoughts, I felt a rather harsh tap on the shoulder that snapped me out of it. "Yoohoo? Tsukasa? You there?" "Ah- uh- Apologies, I didn't see you arrive--" I nervously chuckled. "It's whatever. Now, let's go." the ginger practically dragged me into the Ihop/Denny's/whatever diner you want im out of ideas its now 4 am, and the two of us looked for seats. We found nice booths near a window that presented us with beautiful scenery and decided to sit there.

"Soo? Pancakes for lunch? I never took you for a... pancake guy." I awkwardly tried to make conversation. "And what is that supposed to mean..?" "Nothing! I love pancake guys- I mean- I love. Pancake." To this accidental love confession, Akito's face flushed a light rose color, which he tried to hide in his hands. "Ahem.." he cleared his throat. "What are you.. going to order?" he shifted the subject away from what just happened. I looked at the menu, trying to figure out an order. "Hm.. maybe a random order that doesn't serve the plot at all because what the hell would tsukasa order at a pancake place."

"That order suits you." "What?" "Nothing." A waiter came to the table at which we sat and asked what we'd like to order. We told them our order and waited for it to be prepared. That lunch was filled with what is DEFINITELY NOT romantic tension of any sort, yeah, we're just two dudes being guys. Dudes dudeing out while eating pancakes and comparing hand sizes and trying each other's drinks and talking about our dyed hair and


Anyways! The two of us finished our food and headed out the door. "Say, Akito, would you like to walk together?" I suggested, maybe to spend time with him but it's not like GAY or anything. "Yeah, sure." he agreed, with less resistance than I would've expected. 

"In fact, I know a nice place if you ever want to rest." he followed up with.

After a long walk, we stumbled upon a field with a few cherry blossom trees, which my green-eyed FRIEND led me to. "Woah, you have a good eye, Akito!" my eyes sparkled as i gazed at the scenery, jaw practically on the floor. "Mhm." He strolled to one of the trees on the larger side and motioned for me to follow, which I did.

"Tsukasa." he paused, calling out to me as he turned to face me. "Yes?"

"This is going to sound so stupid but..." his face flushed again, and he avoided eye contact. It was kind of cute. He swallowed his pride, and finally continued with what he was going to say. "I like you, Tsukasa. In the romantic way." I immediately flushed a beet red at the sentiment, I liked him too. But I thought he hated me. He doesn't hate me? So many thoughts rushed to my head at once, and I could barely process a single one.

"You.. like me?" I finally mustered up. "I guess so." There we were, two blushing messes trying to process. Process this moment. Process this entire day. Process this relationship and its potential. Process what we could become. Process everything.

"I.. like you too. I've always thought you were beautiful, but I thought you hated me."

"At first, at least, I did. But after a while it was annoying. I wasn't annoyed at you, I was annoyed at the fact I had fallen in love with you, Tsukasa. I couldn't face the fact that I grew to love someone I always disliked. Ew, this is so sappy." A few chuckles were exchanged, afterwards we fell into the silence, the only thing you could hear were the delicate petals drifting away from the tree, the soft breeze carrying them along.

It was a comforting silence, one that neither dared to break. They didn't need any more words, instead I pulled the slightly taller into a gentle hug. Although gentle, my grasp was tight; I never wanted to let go. Don't you have those moments that you wish would last forever?

We held each other close, our noses practically touching. Our lips seemed to gravitate towards each other, the moment was like a dream. "May I.." I was going to ask something, but he answered the question for me by softly kissing me on the lips.

"You don't need to ask."

955 words

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