𝔄𝔪𝔢𝔯𝔦𝔠𝔞 ℌ𝔢𝔯𝔢 ℑ 𝔞𝔪

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3rd pov:

"Last call of Fairy airplane (I just created it). If there's anyone that's left please get into the airplane nowon the boarding now."-random people

Izuku's pov:

Welp- that's my call. I grab my luggage and start going to my plane. My parents has bought me first class ticket. I wasn't shock since I already know how rich they are. I put my luggage on the place where luggages got keep and went inside the first but not before showing the flight attendant my first class ticket. My dad actually plan to send his private plane but I told him to just let me ride a normal one this time and I think this what means normal to me (-_-). Anyways as I got into the plane I sit on my seat and put headphones and start playing songs before I drift to sleep.

3rd pov:

12hours and 17 minutes passed. There's 5 minutes left before the plane landed. Our green bean could smell his house fragrance from that far so he woke up from his second deep sleep.

"Dear attendence, we will land on United States Of America in 5 minutes. Please get ready to be landed. I repeat we will land on United States Of America in 5 minutes. Please get ready to be landed. Thank you"-random people

Izuku's pov:

Welp- here's my land. Can't believe I slept for that long. I eventually got ready for my land.

After 5 minutes of waiting the plane slowly landing on the track. And after a few minutes more waiting for the plane to stop. After the plane stop I got down from the plane and one of the flight attendant give me my bag and I saw a lot of black suit people and eventually knew that it's my parents (-_-). Without wasting any time I went to them and they run to me and give me a tight hug. I understand that they are missing me and I'm missing them too..but..

"Do you guys want me to suffocate?"

And they immediately let go of me

"Sorry sweetheart we were just missing you"-Inko

"I know mother. Anyways I'm going to take my hair dyes off it look ugly on me."

"Pfft- it sure does"-Hisashi

"Shut up dad. I'm going to the restroom."

"We will see you at the car son"-Hisashi

"Yeah yeah"

I went to the restroom and get into on of the stall. I start to trash my hair and take off my hair dye and also change my clothes to my style. It's kinda annoying that I have to act like who is not me.

Izuku's clothes 👇

I went out from the stall and the restroom to see two black suit guys waiting for me outside.

"Let's go young master"-Black suit guy

I just hum in response and went to the car with them.


Thanks for reading 🤗. The next one is going to be Midoriya's family introduction.

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