BTY - 7

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And who the fuck is that. Minju murmurs, unnoticed that she already has her eyebrows furrowed.

Oh wait, cursing is bad. She immediately fixed herself but her frown on her face didn't leave.

She just finished her classes and on the way to Jenyang when she came across a picture of Yujin and not expecting there was another someone. She's now staring at a huge billboard in the city, with Yujin's picture and a guy she never saw before. Not like she likes watching television anyways. The two have their pictures in the building, they weren't together but two different ones. A rumor has been everywhere that the so-called actor is dating Yujin, the Ankyu heiress and a known model.

Fake news. She scoffed.


Minju just found herself frowning as soon as she entered Jenyang.

"Good afternoon, Minju!"

Minju flinched, she was surprised. A tall, beautiful, dimpled woman welcomed her "Oh goodness-"

Yujin leaned in forward and matched her face with the shorter girl, "guess you entered the wrong elevator again, Miss Kim." She smiled.

What is she happy for? What so are the rumors true or what-

"I wonder why everyone looks at me with curious gazes today.. maybe I look extra pretty or cool? Do I?" Yujin smiled again and looked at Minju, it was more like a playful one.

Minju wanted to say yes. Well clearly Yujin looks pretty everyday. She never fails to be in her eyes.

But the younger was confused why Minju was frowning at her. Even Minju didn't realize she's still frowning.

The news slash so-called rumors gets on her nerves a lot.

"Hello? Hey I.. I was just joking? Are you okay-"

The elevator opened and Minju immediately went outside, gosh she doesn't know why she's like this all of a sudden.

Yujin went after her of course. She was confused why Minju suddenly acted like this. She gently grabbed her wrist and made the girl look at her. "Minju, I was just joking. I'm sorry for being annoying. Are you mad?"

The older woman has her head low until she decided to look at Yujin who's giving her a worried look.


Minju sighed, "Did you see the news? Is it true-" they were interrupted by a sudden call.

It wasn't Yujin's secretary more like the management of her modeling. Minju stood there. Watching the latter's expression change in an instant.

"What? Who the f-" Yujin stopped the moment Minju stared more like glared at her. She knew it right away. Okay, no bad words.

"I-I mean who is he? I never heard of him before." She's calm knowing what she's saying is the truth. Who even put that rumor is insane, where'd they get that from?

"Ma'am we also don't know why-"

"Then fix it. I am not dating whoever that guy is. I am clear with my words so clear my name. Thank you, I'll be there in an hour to finish the photoshoot for the magazine. I have a meeting after so make sure that everything is ready when I get there." Yujin ended the call.

"Nothing's true. Those rumors are fake. I'm going to deny them all." Now she's the one frowning. Yujin started walking ahead and was curious why she didn't hear any other footsteps.

"Minju? let's go?"

"Huh? I have to go back to wor-"

"Yes you go with me." Yujin's all smiley again. Wasn't she frowning earlier? isn't she so called intimidating and scary? What Minju sees is the same Yujin from 2 years ago. Especially now that girl's smiling and she's really eager to poke that dimples.

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