Romance Poems...

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Somethings different about the Rain

Outside it's raining and i'm watching at my window,
In silence of the world, only the dance of rain i could feel,
My thoughts are in torment of questions and answers,
Only the rain knows what i need.

Rain falls gradually in the rhythm of my thoughts,
I feel it's wrapping my pain,
The voice of rain calming my senses,
When my heart is rushing to beat.

I'm watching rain from window,
The cold drops are touching the thirsty ground,
My soul is the same as the soil,
It needs love as much the soil needs rain.

I'm walking in cold rain,
Like crystal pearls are falling from the sky,
When touching my skin it's like magic,
I feel my soul light and released of pain.

I'm listening the music of the rain drops,
And on this music i am dancing, speeding around,
With my arms wide open touching rain drops,
Rain is caressing me with its voice and touch.

I adore rain, it's all my sould wanted,
Caressing me, awaking life in me,
When i feel the rain and listen to its rhythm,
I wish to live again, again, again.


Someone inside me

There is a person right inside of me
who's deeply in love with you
a person who would sail any sea
all of that he would do, just for you

He's not afraid of anything
completely nothing at all
because for you he will concur all his fears
to save you from all those tears

This person I wish to bring out someday
so I can finally say
this three words I keep deep inside me
which has been trying to break free

I know the time will come
when I can finally tell you
this three wonderful words which are
I Love You


Our Phones

"When you text me, I can't seem to open the text fast enough to read it.
When you call me, I fumble my phone in a rush to answer.

When I talk to you on the phone, I want to reach through and caress your beautiful face.
When there's silence on the phone, I want your phone to be my lips kissing your ear.

When you speak, the rest of the World is silent to me.
When we hang up, I stare at your name on my phone and I smile.

So before I close my eyes to begin my sweet dreams of you, I hold my phone close to my heart, and hope that all my love for you will keep us connected."


Did You Know? How You Make Me Feel?

Dear You,
Just so we're clear
there's a reason why you're here
you are here so I can have
the greatest gift and I'm so glad

But just so you know
I want you to see
how much you truly mean to me

Let's see how should I start?
First, let's talk about the way you affected my heart
I can't think straight when you are near
For I am blinded with fear

The fear of you finding out
what I'm trying so hard to hide
my feelings for you,
are staying locked up on the inside

Sometimes you make me want to sing
sometimes you make me want to shout
all I know is
when you're around
I get butterflies

I wonder how you feel
if anything I'm feeling is real
or is this all a dream?
Please God, put me out of my misery

Because surely I must be dreaming
because, you are a dream
of perfection in every way

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