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A hot make out session in the woods, sleep deprivation, a sprained ankle, a possible concussion and inflamed hamstrings from hiking up and down a hill were the consequences of camping.

I was more than grateful that it was finally over. In fact, from this day forward, I solemnly swear that I will never go camping again. Because that worked so well the last time I told myself I'd never go camping...

The bus ride back home gave me more than enough time to think about the events that happened, more specifically, a singular event that I haven't been able to get out of my head.

Grayson kissed me...

And I kissed him back?

The memory of it struck me with a wave of engulfing nausea. What did this mean? Did I like Grayson? No, I don't think so? I've spent the past few years hating him, and with good reason. Did Grayson like me?

I scoffed the thought away.

There's no way in this entire universe he would ever have a thing for me. It's just not possible. Nope.

There are two obvious explanations as to why he made out with me: either he got bit by an undiscovered classification of mosquito, to which one of it's side effects would be to get an attraction to the closest person in his vicinity. Or... there was something in his joint, to which one of it's side effects would be to, well, get an attraction to the closest person in his vicinity. The latter made the most sense to me.

My phone was still uncharged and dead, I couldn't use earphones and music to block out the buffoonery that was going on at the back of the bus. I turn around and throw a glare towards Mitchell and Brock, who were acting like two children hyped up on sugar. Beside them, Grayson sat reclusively with earphones plugged in. My glare softened as I studied him. What was he thinking about? I thought as his head inclined to the left. His eyes look up and he catches me looking at him. My face became feverish with embarrassment as I anxiously and abruptly turn around.

When the bus halted at the front of our school, I waited in my seat until everyone was off so I could limp down the aisle without being shoved from behind.

"I can't believe you sprained your ankle." Phillip says as I make it onto the sidewalk.

"I can't believe you got lost." Hannah added.

"I can't believe I thought camping would be a good idea." I say.

"Dallas, are you coming?" Mitchell called out to me. He's holding his luggage as he starts towards Grayson's car in the parking lot. Grayson, who was already standing at the driver's side door to his Jeep Wrangler, looks over at me, guilt written across his face.

"Hannah will drive me!" I tell him in a panic.

"I will?" She asks.

I turn and glare at her.

"I will!" She says, this time more excitedly.

"Alright, see ya at home, loser." Mitchell says.

I stick my middle finger up at him as he reaches Grayson's Jeep.

"Why didn't you want to go with them?" Hannah asked me.

"Because they suck." I say, steadying myself against a street light pole.

"Should we go inside and see what Cody and Lucy are doing?" Hannah wondered, gesturing to the school's building.

"They're probably in class." I say. "Do you really want to end a camping trip by going straight back to school?"

Hating Grayson ✓Where stories live. Discover now