Cerise Meets Kelly

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Kindergarten. That's the word my parents said when I turned five. I still don't get the word kindergarten. So I'm standing in front of a big building with letters on it. I walked into the huge building with my parents at my side. We passed a table with a word that start with a S but it's to big for me to read it.
We stopped at a door with gold stars on it.

My daddy opened the door and it was a lot of kids my age.
"Okay sweetie, have fun it's your first day of kindergarten isn't that cool."
I stared at her, "No."
"Kindergarten is cool," My daddy insisted.
"No it's not." I huffed and crossed my arms.
"Well you could see if you like it today. You never know."
"Only if I get a cupcake. If not I'm not going."
My daddy kneeled down to my level ,"Okay do we got a deal?"
"Yes we have deal."
"Okay have a good day sweetie!" My mommy said cheerfully.
"Wait! I don't want to stay. Forget the cupcakes!" I grabbed my mom leg and hold on for dear life. She tried to shake me off but I am strong my daddy even said so.
"Let go Cerise." My mom hissed. A lot of people was starting to look. Oh no I've been discovered I need to leave. Now.
My dad pried me off my mom. I thought he was on my side. The side switcher I think it's called a "Fraitor!", I yelled.
"You are going to school and that is that." My mom said.
My dad set me down and went to the door my mom followed. I can't believe they would do that to me.
I sniffle and wipe my eyes under my glasses with my sweater and then wiped my nose. I pulled away and there was some yellow icky stuff on my sweater. I shook the sweater and the yellow stuff splattered on my glasses. I give up.

I looked around the room and saw a girl drawing her hair was all puffy and ooh I know this color it's brown like... the stuff that's in the toilet. I went up to her and looked at her drawing it was all types of colors mix together. It was nasty.
"I can draw better than you." I stated. The girl looked up and stared at me.
"Prove it." She said.
"Okay I'm going to need a pwaper and color crows."
"That's not how you say it it's paper and crayons."
"My mommy says I talk good for my age so shh and give me the color crows and pwaper!"
She slammed the stuff on the table and crossed her arms.
I started drawing rainbow and a pony. She's going to be jealous. My sister calls people who's jealous a fater I think.
"There." I exclaim.
She looks at it and did that thing my mom do when she's surprised.
"This is cute." She cooed, "I wish I could draw like that."
"Don't worry you will but not better than me."
"My names Kelly."
She smiled.

"And this boys and girls are the bathroom." The teacher said. I think her name is Miss Snot. I started to feel queasy.
"Miss Snot I have to use the bathroom."
"It's Miss Smith." She said.
I ran in the bathroom and pick a wall to go in.
I pulled my pants down and sat on the toilet. After I was done I washed my hands without getting none on my sweater. Yay!
I went out and everyone was talking something about food. We started walking again and stopped at double headed doors. We went in and it smelled dirty. Eww. I went in line with the other kids for some food. It was hamburgers but they were grey. Double Eww. I am not eating. I got out of line and went out the double doors and down the hall. I heard pounding after me and the girl Shelly was next to me I think she's my friend.
"Hi Shelly. What are you doing?"
"I am not eating. I can wait till I get home my brother said that if you eat the schools lunch here you turn into a monster. And my name is Kelly not Shelly."
"Oh I will never eat here. I don't want to turn into a monster because, I might eat my family and I don't want to do that."
"Me neither." Kelly said.
I smiled at her.
"You got snot on you nose Cerise."

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