Episode 2: Rules

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A month after the incident in Seattle, Sean and Daniel have taken shelter in an abandoned house deep in the woods. As Daniel becomes increasingly ill, Sean decides to risk traveling to the nearby town of Beaver Creek in order to seek help from their distant grandparents, Claire and Stephen Reynolds. During their stay at the Reynolds' home, Daniel uses his powers to stop next-door neighbor Chris Eriksen from falling from his tree house, inadvertently causing the latter to believe he has superpowers as the two become friends. The next day, Chris' father invites the brothers on their trip to the Christmas market, where Sean meets the homeless transients Cassidy and Finn. Once back at the house, Daniel convinces Sean to assist him in searching their mother's room, where they come across a letter expressing her concerns about her sons following the Seattle incident. Moments later, Claire returns home with Stephen and confronts the brothers over violating her rules and trust; during the ensuing argument, Stephen leaves to his workroom, where he becomes pinned underneath his long-neglected cupboard. After Stephen is pulled free, Beaver Creek's sheriff arrives at their home in search for Sean and Daniel, causing Claire to distract him at the door while the brothers flee the house. During their escape, Chris can either help guide them towards an alternate escape route, discover that he never had powers after Daniel flips a police car, or become injured by said car. Afterwards, the brothers jump aboard a train heading out of Beaver Creek.

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