another lyrics but with sarvente and ruv vibe!

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{~} sarvente
{×} ruv
{-}I didn't do any lyrics for boyfriend so i guess it be this

*The music starting with the beat*

~this holy place is for every angeeel~*hold the note until she finish*


~you can find new new friends in this church did you know?~


× Join us to help us to find new people, it the dream of sarvente, so can you help her pls?×


×i know it hard to understand, but can you help me with that girl obsessed to god pls?×


×~ the church is for everyone to find the great peace~× *hold the note to great*


×~ even if you think that we are crazy that not even the true~× *hold the note at 'the'*


× i will break your legs after i will struggle you and you be found in the old forest behind the f*cking church!×


×you be banned of heaven after he will put you in hell and you will never see again your girlfriend i know it!×


~sorry for the language of ruv or time he rude~


~ I'm a sure that if you join the church you will be a better person i think~


× I just want to my friend happy i know it a little bit weird but it could be perfect ×


×even if you say something weird, i will understand I'm not that stupid little boy×


×~ if one day you need some help just visit us~×


×~we already think that you can be a beautiful angel ~×


"Bap boop! (Good rapping guys!)"

"Thx boyfriend!~"

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