Chapter 1 : Part 2

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7:00pm. The bell at the door dings, marking my entrance into the diner. Looking around, I guess I do see why he would think this diner is quaint, peaceful and 'quiet so no one will disturb us'. I look around and take a seat at one of the empty booths. Lucky for us, there aren't many people in the diner today.

One of my co-workers comes over to take my order, relatively shocked that me of all people would come to eat at this diner, especially since the food here isn't exactly anything to write home about. The only thing really worth getting food poisoning over is the milkshakes. Proper traditional ones too, made with ice cream and vanilla, strawberry or chocolate, not just the flavourings. And each shake is topped with a cherry and whipped cream. I order myself a chocolate milkshake for while I await the arrival of the shy stranger at the park earlier today.

It's been a while, so I take a long sip of my milkshake.


Sooooo good! The flavours melt on my tongue, filling my body with pure ecstasy, the closing thing I'll get to true happiness. A man rushes through the door, out of breath, as if he'd just run a marathon. He holds a long, slender white box in his arms, eyes darting around the diner. He doesn't recognise me immediately, disappointment painting his face. I wave him over and his eyes light up, a warm smile tickling his cheeks as he hurriedly rushes over to me. "You're late."

"I-I know. I just wanted to get you something. I hope you like it." He slides the long white box over to me. Nervousness filling my stomach as I worry I'm going to open the box and find a severed finger or ear.

Instead, I see two long-stemmed roses, a beautiful blood red colour, wrapped in a black silk ribbon. I carefully pick them up, even though their thorns have been removed. I hold them to my chest, and lift them closer to my face to get a heavenly whiff of their fragrance, before gently placing them back in their box. "Wow. They're.... amazing. Thank you."

"It was nothing, heh." he mumbles, blushing slightly, when he notices the milkshake. "Hey, I was supposed to get you something."

"I mean, technically you did." I gesture to the box of roses between us. "And, I mean, we can share if you want."

"R-really? Man, my first date and you're the one buying. I'm not very good at this."

"It's fine. You know what, I don't even know your name."

"My name?" His sweet smile turned into a grimace, his eyes trailing away from mine, the first time he's not been staring at me. "I don't like my name. I'd much rather you call be something else." Jeez, he must have a really bad name, or associates it with bad parents.

"Hmm... How's about...."



"YB?"  It's probably really cringy, or embarrassing, but he seems pleased with it.

"It's a lot better than my real name." His eyes go back to mine, and I really take in how beautiful his eyes are. They're a mesmerising blue, one that I can't stop staring into. A minute goes by and he breaks the silence. "Are we having a moment or what?" My face burns as red as Christmas lights, redder than a tomato.


"Hey, there's nothing to be sorry for!" he comforts me, being one of the few people I've met to not scold me for apologising unnecessarily. I find it... sweet and kind.

"Thanks." I mumble, blushing even more than ever before. If even possible, my face burns even hotter as he takes hold of my hand in his own, and pushes the milkshake closer to himself. He takes a sip, a slight blush painting his cheeks, and the same pink plagues my own. Especially when my realisation hits of how I had already drank from that same straw: we made an indirect kiss.

A quiet squeal sneaks from my lips, and a sweet smile on YB's blushing face.

~Time Skip~

The date ends and, while hands were still intertwined, we left the diner. Our conversation didn't stray far from home life, what we both did for work and pets. I got especially excited when he told me, in detail, about his pet hognose snake, Rat. Including how he feeds her, her tank and all the décor in it. I found it adorable how he got so thrilled and happy to talk to someone about it. When he had realised he was ranting, his voice grew quiet and his face flushed a sweet pink. "Haha.... Sorry about that... Let's talk more about you-!"

We finally reached the entrance to my apartment block. It had grown dark since we had set off, and although these nights are usually cold, I had a warm, fuzzy feeling to accompany the shy man beside me. "Well, we're here." I mutter, my energy drained from being around someone all evening, even though I enjoyed it.

"O-oh. Yeah...." his once smiling face was now plastered with a grimace, eyes not meeting mine. YB looked to be disappointed that our little date had ended, so I decided to lighten his mood.

"So, same time tomorrow? I have got work, but I should be free in the afterno-"

"You want to go on another date?! Oh, thank you so much (Y/N)!" he bursts out, a wide sharp-toothed grin painted his joyous expression. I had never noticed until now that he had a set of peculiar pointy teeth... I don't mind. It adds to his charm!

"Of course! You're really sweet, and I'd like to spend more time with you." I tell him, adding to his good mood. "I-I mean, that's if you want to, obviously!" I add quickly, not wanting him to feel uncomfortable with me being too forward.

"I'd love to spend more time with you too! And, if you'd like, I can take you back to my place to see my snake."

"Rat? You'd want to show me her?!" I innocently, and albeit excitedly, exclaim.

"Of course! I think you'll love her!" a sweet smile and happy eyes stare down at me, mainly because of our height difference. I'm what the average person would call relatively tall, but YB towers above me. "I'll see you tomorrow, then, darling." a sly grin adorns his face, sultry bedroom-eyes meet my own, a slight blush painting his cheeks.

"S-see ya, YB!" flustered as ever, I guess. I've always been rather shy, only ever getting open and jokey around close friends and family members.

YB waves back to me, as I enter the building. I wave back, matching his happy grin with my own joyous one. I walk up the stairs, counting how many flights I go up. I finally reach the correct number, and make my way over to my apartment door. As per usual, I fumble with my keys, struggling to get them in the door, and when I open it, I'm met with an all too familiar sight of the place I call  'home', even if it still doesn't feel like it.

Shutting the door quietly, I move stealthily to my bedroom as to not interrupt my roommate and their "study partner", especially since I don't want to see them walk around naked, which I'm all too familiar with, sadly.

I silently enter my room, closing the door slowly as to not make a noise. I creep over to my bed, not bothered to turn on the light. I plop the box of roses on my bedside, hovering for a second, still staring at them. I really enjoyed that date, and I'm excited for tomorrow.

I starfish onto my bed, face first into my pillow. I reflect back on the day, back on the park and back on the date. One thought sticks with me before I doze off.

"I hope he calls soon."


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ZANTEDESCHIA - YB x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now