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Donghyuck laid in his bed, staring at the ceiling. In the corner of his eye, he saw a familiar head slowly beginning to shuffle. The hair was split-dyed, the top was black and the bottom was white, and Donghyuck knew exactly who it was. The head turned around to face Donghyuck, but Donghyuck turned the other way.

"Morning, Hyuck."

"Morning... Whoever you are? What's your name?" Donghyuck groaned, speaking with a ruder tone than he had intended.

This man has been appearing in his dreams every night, only in the distance at first. Acting like more of a background character, but then the more problems Donghyuck experienced, the more interactive he got until he was the main attraction of every dream.

"I don't understand..?" The person responded, rolling towards Donghyuck and placing a hand onto his arm.

"You always say that. Seems you don't understand most things..." Donghyuck moved the stranger's hand off his arm so he could sit up and at the latter directly in the eyes.

The man looked scared and confused, like he's the one naked in bed with a stranger.

"Any comments?" Donghyuck sighed, the other only stayed quiet. Donghyuck eventually gave up and buried himself under the sheets, only his eyes peeled out.

The stranger lowered down, facing Donghyuck, "No... I really don't know?"

"What do you mean you don't know? You're confusing," Donghyuck snapped like a spoilt toddler.

The stranger smiled at Donghyuck and brought his hand to the top of Donghyuck's head and caressed it. Donghyuck didn't want to find it comforting but he could feel his tense body loosen up.

"Donghyuck, you're getting worked up again..." The man cooed sweetly, "Maybe it's time you wake up."

"I..." Donghyuck frowned, "I don't want to?"

"You do," He removed his hand off of Donghyuck's head, "Wake up."


Donghyuck's vision was blurry at first, he rubbed his eyes instinctively and sighed.

"You up?" Jeno turned around, Donghyuck can tell Jeno had just woken up too.

"Yeah," Donghyuck smiled softly, rolling onto his back.

"Everything alright? You looked dead no offence."

"Thanks," Donghyuck chuckled, "Just another one of those weird dreams..."

"What was it?"

"Eh, I'll tell you later," Donghyuck thought of the guy. He definitely was not going to tell Jeno later. How was he supposed to explain to his boyfriend he was in bed with some rando?

"You say that all the time," Jeno sighed.

"And you say that all the time, quit pointing out the obvious," Donghyuck pushed Jeno with no real force.

"No, there's always something you're complaining about," and there he went again, Jeno rolled his eyes, "Does your dad need you for work again?"

"Umm," Donghyuck got up and grabbed his phone from the side to check the date, "Well I go every day, why would today be any different?"

Jeno let out the loudest groan Donghyuck has ever heard, it startled him slightly, "You're always doing stuff for your dad... Donghyuck it's getting out of hand, it's to the point where I only see you one in the morning till' eight when you have to leave again."

Donghyuck wrapped his arms around Jeno, embarrassing him in a warm hug, "I know it's annoying, Jeno. Trust me, I hate leaving too. Dad will employ an actual photographer sooner or later, I promise."

Donghyuck's father worked at a modeling agency. In fact, he was the CEO. Around a couple of months ago, his go to camera man had retired which left Donghyuck going to the horrid company and taking pictures for him instead. Jeno didn't mind at first but slowly he grew tired and more tired of it, which definitely did have an impact on their relationship. Donghyuck doesn't want to admit it but he knows he's been falling out of love, and he can tell Jeno is too. They were never the most compatible couple, and they feel more like friends than boyfriends. Donghyuck wished he could go back to the times where him and Jeno would go out every night, trying new things and living their lives to the fullest in hopes that it would somewhat change things. He wished he could go back to eating fancy dinners with Jeno and having sex every night. Thanks to his dad's stupid company, that's preventing him.

"Well, it's seven... I gotta go before I'm late, you know how dad is when I'm late," Donghyuck got up and brushed off his shirt.

"Yeah," Jeno's voice is low, "I'll see you tonight then..."

Donghyuck pressed his lips together into a straight line before speaking, "I'm not leaving yet, I gotta get ready."

"Stop being difficult and just say bye back," Jeno yawned.

Donghyuck rolled his eyes and dug into his closet, trying to find a specific shirt he wanted to wear.

"Is it okay if I invite Mark over?" Jeno popped up behind him, giving him a back hug.

"Yeah do whatever, tell him I said hi."


Donghyuck sat on the staff couch for most of the day when he wasn't taking photos. Donghyuck was starting to feel exhausted, he could doze off on the uncomfortable couch right then and there but didn't to prevent another weird unwanted dream. Donghyuck saw his dad walk into the room and he shot up and practically ran to him.

"Dad! Please hire someone already!" Donghyuck jumped onto his dad, about to fake cry on his shoulder.

"Calm down, there's a guy from China we employed coming here. He should be here tomorrow, if not tomorrow then the day after." Donghyuck's dad pushed Donghyuck off of him and gave him a pat on the back.

"Does that mean I get to stay home tomorrow?" Donghyuck looked up, with a shine in his eyes.

"Well," He hesitated, "No... He might need a bit of help setting up every thing and getting used to the entire environment. He might not even be fluent."

"What am I supposed to do about the language part?" Donghyuck rolled his eyes, "Whatever, I'll let Jeno know. How many more days will I have to stay?"

"I'd say maybe a week more."

Donghyuck pulled his phone out and began typing a message to Jeno, he heard his dad hum in front of him.

"Y'know Donghyuck, if you want... I'll allow Jeno in the building. But just for tomorrow," Donghyuck's dad picked at his nails.

"About time," Donghyuck shook his head," Thanks dad."

Donghyuck looked back down at his paragraph he was about to send, he never was one with words and he already knew the first thing Jeno was going to do would be his standard spelling and grammar check. Donghyuck added what his dad said about visiting and clicked send.

in a dream. - renhyuckWhere stories live. Discover now