chapter 3

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"Dad, why didn't you ever tell me that you had a heart attack ?" ( I asked as we exited the examining room )
    "Dad is fine", ( answered dad very limp )

     Seeing the state of my father i could not ask many questions .
I blame myself why i didn't come home for so long and just found out now dad is sick like this .

   We kept walking out and suddenly...

   " Help , help !!!
  My father passed out "
( I shouted panicking and crying )
  "dr. Dian why is my father doc ?"

" Mr. Ilham must be operated on immediately by dr. Adrian , how ?"
( answered the dr. Dian panic too )

   "Yes, just have surgery , i want my father to recover , can have surgery now ?"
( I immediately Made a decision )

   "It seems possible, i'll talk to dr.Adrian, please take care of administration first"  ( dr. Answered )

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jan 28, 2023 ⏰

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