Chapter 8 Riddles & Jokes

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It was night time on Friday night when we joined a chat party with Venus, and he was talking about fun facts and jokes. It was funny, and in a way, it was rather interesting listening to him talk about jokes and fun facts. Any conversation with Venus is genuinely the best. It was quite amusing talking to him and listening to him ramble on about that. I felt warmth and at peace that night. He told us a riddle before he left the party for the night, and he never told us the answer. He left it at just a cliffhanger. Interesting way to leave the chat party, but it was fun. He was doing pretty well at making me chuckle.

A few days later
It was morning, andddd I had just woken up from my sleep when I decided to play some Destiny and do some bounties done. I had Scarlet coming over tomorrow, so I was pretty hyped about that since she's one of my friends who I barely see, just like Gold. I see Gold occasionally, but not as much as I used to due to the whole fight thing. It's fine, though, because the main people I talk to are very chilled, nice, and loving. I mainly talk to mom, Venus, Seth, or just anyone who joins the chat party. It was Sunday, and Venus hadn't been on since Friday night. We got worried about him, but we thought that maybe he was busy, so just to make sure he was okay, mom messaged him , and he was doing good. He was just busy and didn't have a chance to come online.

Thankfully he's doing well though I got pretty worried about him because who knows serious could've happened with him so knowing that he was okay provided great comfort because I'm not going to let myself live this down if something had happened to him he's both mine and mom's best friend. He's a pretty cool best friend. He's the kind of friend I never had. I always stuck by Rose. I don't know why I did, though. I had faith in her that maybe one day she wouldn't care about being popular she wouldn't be mean or just watch me get picked on just to "blend in" she could be a decent person. I wish I had just unfriended her once I got to high school, but I could've sworn she was going to be nice. She was nice to me when I was in year 8. Then suddenly she reaches high school and she's a lot worse than she was when I was in grade 7.

He's been there for me since day one, and he's been an amazing friend to me, and I appreciate him for that! He's always been so much better than Rose and Xenix, but I was too blind to notice. I was blinded by love. I was blinded by the fact I thought Xenix was such a great person. I'm so embarrassing I literally regret that so badly.

The next day
Scarlet came over for a sleepover. I messaged Venus to see how his weekend was, and he responded to it later. I thought I'd start a conversation with him since we're friends and all it boosted my confidence. We didn't really talk much since I couldn't think of anything else to say, and mom couldn't think of anything else to say if she was me.

Private chat between Abbie and Venus
Abbie: Hey, how was your weekend?
Venus: Not too shabby, yourself?
Abbie: It was actually pretty good, thank you!
Venus: That's good to hear

We'll probably join a chat party with each other later since next time him and mom are in a chat party I have to join them without an invite since it'll make Venus's day knowing I'm fully comfortable around him and that I should be past that stage in needing an invite. After what happened, I was put off with joining parties without an invite because you never know if they want you there or not. They could even sound hostile if I joined, which I knew deep down that they would never do that.

Later that night
We joined a chat party with Venus since he came online, and I joined their party without an invite, which Venus sounded happy that I did that. Which is good and it was really fun talking to him. A friend of ours called joined the chat party, which I know him pretty well, and I trust Venus's judgement since we are close. After all, Venus is one of my best friends, so it was fine. I had to keep myself muted most of the time due to background noise. Sam kept unmuting my mic and saying weird things and just kept being annoying like what siblings do, but it provided entertainment and had everyone laughing, so it was fine it was so embarrassing, though A while later, Venus had gone off to bed for the night, and our friend had left around 20 minutes afterwards. It was just me and mom left in the chat party.

The next day
I kept hearing Scarlet rage, which caused me to wake up. I didn't go back to sleep, though, since my alarm would be going off soon. I had two lessons today, so I had to be up. I had one of my least favorite subjects today so I was worried and stressed out about that and my patience was running extra low today everything will be fine though hopefully I had hope but at the same time I had low faith in myself for this class and knew there was a chance that I would fail this class luckily I won't need it for my dream career but still this subject causes me pain, stress and suffering. I'm hoping I won't have to do it next year, though I'm not sure if it's an optional subject or not. Life is running smoothly so far, and I'm hoping it stays like this.

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